<p>Is it (practice tests) even accurate like eveyrone says it is??</p>
<p>because it seems VERY easy to me.</p>
<p>Is it (practice tests) even accurate like eveyrone says it is??</p>
<p>because it seems VERY easy to me.</p>
<p>Yes the practice tests are accurate. Sometimes a math problem from that book will pop up on the real test.</p>
<p>ok ok. i'm done using the REAL ACT book practice tests.</p>
<p>however, i want more accurate practice tests.
I noticed that REAL ACT book is made by Thompson Peterson's company...it says it on the cover</p>
<p>so, in theory, Thompson peterson 30 Days to the ACT book SHOULD have accurate practice tests, right?</p>
<p>(but i heard that thompson peterson is BAD BAD book for practice tests, from xiggi)</p>
<p>Thompson-Peterson only publishes "The Real ACT", the test-maker actually wrote it.</p>
<p>I don't think "30 Days to the ACT" is as accurate as the former.</p>
<p>30 Days to the ACT is by thompson's also!?</p>
<p>...as I said before the only book made by the "test-maker" itself is "The Real ACT Prep Guide" which is published by Thompson-Peterson. Meaning ACT does not specialize in printing books, so they outsource it to Thompson-Peterson.</p>
<p>...the other is less likely to be accurate because it is made by a seperate company. The tests are probably good, but their is no guarantee.</p>
<p>The ACT meansures what you have learned, the SAT what you can learn so that's why people think it's easier.</p>
<p>SAT does not measure what you can more than the ACT does. They both test what you know in a variety of subjects. Period.</p>
<p>ACT is sooo much easier, millie</p>
<p>because it is grammar. logic and strategy</p>
<p>SAT is TOTALLY different because i tests ****ING VOCABULARY</p>