Real ACT book

<p>I know these tests are real, but do you guys think they potray the average test. I got a 32 last spring. After studying more, I got two 33's in this book. I studied some more and got a 35 on the last test. Should I expect to get a 33, 34, or 35 on the ACT next weekend.</p>

<p>I got a 32 and now I’m studying using the Real ACT Book and hoping for a 33-34. When I take these practice tests I usually get a 33-34. You’ll probably get a 35 on this next ACT, because it’s evident that you work better under real test conditions. Good luck!</p>

<p>Why would you take it again if you got a 35? Or was that on a practice test? I’ve always found that the ACT is about luck. If you get that lucky test you’ll own it. For example I’ve done 5 practice tests and my scores range from 29-33.</p>

<p>That was the third practice test.</p>