Realistic Chance Me for Fifteen-Year-Old International Student (Indian)

That is fantastic news! Another excellent flagship state U. I’m assuming that of the places you’d gotten into, UNC was your top choice. Do you prefer UVa? They’re both excellent flagship state U’s.

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Yeah, thank you!
Although UVA is ranked slightly higher than both UNC and UGA, I guess they are my top choices for now. But UVA is definitely in the next slot with Purdue!

In keeping track of your acceptances, it seems that of your private college choices, you have gotten into Regis so far, correct?

Just to let you know, UNC and UVa are top schools that kids from all over the US try to get into. U Georgia is not viewed that way.

As such, you’re going to find a more liberal, tolerant atmosphere (albeit still in the South) at UVa and UNC, than at U Georgia. Unless Georgia has some amazingly compelling reason that you should go there, you should be taking UNC and UVa over Georgia. Also, if you want Comp Sci, you have to look at which programs are strongest, and which offer opportunity in the surrounding area. UNC is the heart of the “Research Triangle” of NC.


I applied to Harvard REA and that’s why I couldn’t apply to any private schools REA. I applied to them in the Regular Action cycle and I’m still waiting for my decisions. But yes, that’s my first acceptance and my first to a private school as well!

Oh, I see! I kind of assumed that any school in the T50 is really good.
I don’t really have a great reason except the Honors college and the Presidential waiver but my dad really loves that school and I kind of vibe with it too. But yeah, I get that UNC is a great school for CS and I really like the campus and the environment there too!
I don’t really know a lot about UVA and maybe that’s why I don’t feel so strongly towards it. I’m going to attend some virtual tours and info sessions to gain a better understanding of the school!

If you were to consider all colleges in the U.S. by selectivity, then decisions from those in the top 50 still await you (with the exception of your REA choice):

I wasn’t really talking about the rankings based on selectivity. I was referring to the US news and Niche rankings. Selectivity doesn’t really matter to me TBH.

That sounds good! My underlying point was that U.S. News doesn’t provide an overall ranking, but essentially divides U.S. schools into two major national categories (as well as categories such as Regional Universities, etc.). Regarding selectivity, however, even U.S. News regards it as potentially relevant to the level of classroom instruction, saying this about its “Student Excellence” rating:

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@yoshacurry Congratulations on UVA!

I recommend that you now look at which of your present acceptances is the best place for an underage student. Chapel Hill is safer that Charlottesville, but Charlottesville is a lot more walkable than Chapel Hill (which is important since you will not be able to drive. You also have relatives in Virginia, if I’m not mistaken - do they live close to Charlottesville?

PS. I still recommend that, if the college permits, you take a gap year, so that you start college at 17. That is something that is usually easier at private colleges, so you will probably have to wait to see what acceptances you have from private colleges


Ohh okay! Thank you for the info!

Thank you!

I’ve been told the Chapel Hill is one of the safest places by some of the admitted students and that’s definitely a major advantage.
My uncle works at UVA in the IT dept and the other one lives just around 30 mins away from the campus. My mom thinks it’d be best for me to go there as I’d have family members around.

If a college allows me to do that, I’d definitely look into it. I’m not sure if the colleges I’ve been accepted to are going to approve of that. I’ll try contacting them!

Private colleges are generally more amenable to gap years than are public schools, but UVA or UNC may be exceptions, especially considering that your reason is because of your age.

While both UNC and UVA consider deferred enrollment, it seems, based on their stated policies, that UVA is more open to it. You should, of course, contact the admissions offices.

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:goat: :joy: :goat:


OK I’m glad that you have prepared and have been accepted to several schools.

My concern is your age. What is the rush? You’ve raced through your academics and didn’t appear to put in your time in to reflect on yourself.

You can look at all the safety records for all the schools, but there is such a thing as street smarts. Things happen. It’s good that you will have family in the area of certain schools, but if you choose not to be near your family, then you’re going to be stuck.

Even for domestic students, who are 18 entering college, the culture shock of being independent, at a university, can be harsh.

It helps that you have money, but for things that you can’t control with money, you’re going to be stuck. (I.e. illness, isolation, roommate issues, personal relationships, etc.). You need maturity and street smarts.
Being underage will be a hassle.
Not being a US citizen will be a hassle.

Being from another country will be an issue, especially with the current political climate. People can be very mean and they will be. There will be people that are kind, but finding your support system will take more than an IPhone call.

Some people are very mature for their age. Maybe you fit that category? But you really need to consider how are you going to deal with things that are out of your control. My children were fortunate in that they dealt with multi-tasking and various personalities on their sports teams. It helped them to problem-solve, but even at 18, they still had a number of unexpected issues that affected them when they transitioned to their universities.

Think about it.


I think you have a good chance at a lot of these school but t20s can always be hard, but you have a good shot to at least get into a one or two t30’s at least. nice on UVA tho that’s huge man

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Thank you!

Thank you!! I appreciate your reply!

You will be bringing a LOT of “baggage” with you for that “dream”.

Just remember, the universities will educate you, as a guest. Being in the US won’t “fix” those issues. A dream is not reality.

A lot of the schools will continue to be online. Current students are feeling the isolation and the inability to meet in groups and it’s adversely impacting them. Because you will not be considered an adult, you will be limited in what you can do as a minor.

Also, there are no guarantees that you will be allowed to stay. You will be expected to return to your country after you graduate. That’s an employer and immigration issue.
Do yourself a favor and find a good counselor now, to deal with some of your anxiety issues.

I’ve been following your story and rooting for you over the past few weeks. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on the acceptances!

Based on your last post, I agree that is a lot to handle on your own in a foreign country regardless of your age. You need a good support system, professionally and personally. If you think your family in VA can provide that, UVA should move to the top of your list. Besides being a great school and all that, but your health and happiness should be your first priority.

Start working with a counselor now so you are in a better place when you move and experience new stresses that come with that. Hugs and best wishes.