Realistic Chance Me for Fifteen-Year-Old International Student (Indian)

I applied to all 3 of them.
I’m not entirely sure why but I foolishly chose CSE as my major for all of the UCs and I’ve heard that it’s harder to get into than CS. I don’t even want to pursue CSE
I applied to Stanford as a CS major though


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Yes, College of Engineering is more competitive compared to College of Arts and Sciences for CS

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Can’t you call them/email them and update your major preference to CS? What do you have to lose? You don’t even want CSE.

@yoshacurry @parentologist: UCI will not allow a change of major at this point. You would have to enroll and then go through the change of major procedure listed below:

Computer Science
Students must meet BOTH GPA requirements:
-Minimum of 2.7 GPA overall cummulative
-Minimum GPA of 2.7 in the quarter immediately preceding the change of major

Course grades:
A minimum GPA of 3.0 and no grade less than a C in ALL courses taken from those listed below. Completion of the following:
ICS 31 and ICS 32, or
ICS 32A and ICS 33, and
One or more of Math 2A, Math 2B, ICS 6B, ICS 6D, ICS 6N

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Even if she hasn’t yet been accepted? As for the GPA requirements, somehow, I just don’t think that would be an issue for this young woman.

Most schools have a deadline to change majors and for the UC’s it is long past.


I wanted to but only after I got accepted to UCI did I realize that I had applied for CSE instead of CS. I think it might be too late now because UCSB releases their decisions in 2 days and Berkeley and UCLA within the next 10 days.

Wow, thank you for that!

MIT, UCSB- Rejected
F&M, Hamilton- Waitlisted
Skidmore, UC Davis- Accepted!


I have not read the whole thread and I was wondering why you applied to so many schools. I know this year is a little unpredictable but it still seems a little excessive. Congratulations on all your acceptances but you can only attend one college. I feel that the application system for US colleges should have a ranking system; it would make all of this a lot easier. You get into YOUR first ranked choice, your name is removed from all YOUR lower ranked schools. You’re rejected from your first, you move on to your second so on so forth. I suspect this would force a clearing of the murky waters that is college applications in this country. And that is probably not in the best interest of the colleges themselves. Congratulations again, but I don’t know if this should mean anything to you.

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It’s not how it works. Many kids have to wait to hear about fin aid and compare offers. But I get you - this was how it worked for med school acceptances. It was considered very bad form to be sitting on several acceptances at once. When you got in, if you wanted to go to that school more than the others, you let those others know you weren’t going there, so that they could move on to accept more people.

When my son got accepted to his early action school, he could have just waited until May 1st to notify the schools he wasn’t going to. But after a few days of consideration, he decided that he would go to the early action school, and rescinded his other applications. Sure, it would have been nice to have seen all the expected honors college and possible merit scholarships come in, but really, did it matter? He was into what had become his first choice, and it wasn’t fair to the other applicants. So he rescinded the rest of his applications.

So, OP, if you are sitting on acceptances that you now know you definitely will not attend, it’s time to let them know that, so that they can offer your spot to another student.


I did rescind my Yale, UMiami, Northeastern, UMich, Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Georgetown College, ASU, RPI, and Penn State applications.

@teleia I get what you’re saying, that makes sense! I was just scared that I’d get rejected by every college I applied to after I saw the Harvard rejection. Initially, my list was shorter, but still log compared to most American students, but after I heard back from Harvard, I decided to apply to a lot more schools and I also had very less time to work on my essays (20-ish days for almost 30 colleges).
But thank you so much!

Did I miss something? Why would you have rescinded your Yale application? I could understand that you might have preferred UNC or UVa to UMich, and hence rescinded UMich and all the others, but Yale? You wouldn’t have taken Yale over any of the other places you’ve gotten into thus far (and you do have some very nice acceptances).

I hadn’t seen this. Congratulations! So, now you’re sitting on a bunch of acceptances. At this point, do you have any schools that you’re quite sure that you would not go to, based upon the schools you’ve been accepted to? If yes, you should let those schools know you won’t be going there, so they can move to their wait list.

Honestly, it sounds like the masters program you are talking about is awful. Either they misunderstood you (I.e. they don’t understand that you are a 15 year old without a college degree) or the degree is junk or both. Credible master programs do not do this.

I rescinded my Yale application because I know for a fact that I will not be attending Yale regardless of where else I got in. I’ve read stories about how the area surrounding Yale’s campus is very unsafe and that scared me. It might not really be the case but those stories will always be at the back of my head and it’d prevent me from actually enjoying college. And at the almost impossible chance that I got in, I’d still choose UNC over Yale so I decided that I didn’t want to be considered anymore.
Tbh, I don’t think I’d attend any Ivy leagues IF I got in except Dartmouth (first-choice at the moment) and Cornell (but unfortunately, I wasn’t able to apply).

Thank you!
Right now, the only colleges I’m considering are UNC, UGA, UVA, and maybe UIUC, UIC, and UCD.
I will let all the other colleges know that I won’t be attending!

It seems pretty legit, they had a virtual information session and we got to meet some of the faculty as well. Plus, it’s being offered by CU Boulder
I’m not able to link the website here but you can just search CU Boulder Master’s degree in Data Science and you’ll find it. It’s an online program

Dartmouth, of course, has stories associated with it as well:

Candidly, you seem like you might have been a better fit for Yale, and I wish you had not withdrawn that application.


But the pros of Dartmouth far outweigh the cons, at least for me. After researching about Dartmouth, it felt like a perfect fit for me and that’s predominantly because of the D-plan because I crave that kind of flexibility and I’d also have the opportunity to pursue a lot more internships and research as well. I also love the tight-knit community that Dartmouth fosters and that it’s pretty much isolated from the city life.
My interviewer said he thinks that I’d be a perfect fit for Dartmouth and that they’d be lucky to have me. I probably shouldn’t look into his statements but he and I really connected. I also emailed my AO with a letter that explained why I didn’t apply ED and that I’d 100% attend if I got in. She said she’d the letter to my file and it did appear on my portal the Monday after that.
May I know why you think I would’ve been a better fit for Yale? And conversely, do you believe that Dartmouth would think that I’m not a good fit for them?
Thank you in advance!