Realistic Chance Me for Fifteen-Year-Old International Student (Indian)

I’m wondering if Dartmouth was the dream school why you didn’t apply to match schools more like them? The big flagships are nothing like Dartmouth, but IMO, for CS, the flagships will give you way more options. Were you accepted directly into CS at UIUC? If so, they have the strongest program in your intended major and are a CS powerhouse.

Dartmouth wasn’t my dream school up until January. Harvard was and I got rejected but I’m glad I did because it wouldn’t have been a good fit for me anyway.
As for why I didn’t apply to colleges like Dartmouth, I really don’t have any specific requirements that a college needs to fulfill. I’ll gladly study anywhere in the US but compared to the rest of the colleges, I think I’d like Dartmouth the best is what I meant.
I applied to and got into CS+Philosophy. Is that good? I chose that because on their website, they said that graduates from this major go on to work in AI-related fields and moreover, I find philosophy intriguing.
But I was wondering if it really mattered where I went to for UG because I do plan on going to grad school post this?

Based on what you wrote, I’m going to defer to another opinion on Dartmouth’s suitability for you, yours. And Dartmouth certainly would have no reason to think that you wouldn’t make a good fit for them, particularly with the support of your interviewer. I hope you get in, of course!

Regarding Yale, my main concern was that you seem to have eliminated it based on how you might have imagined its setting, rather than how you might have, in actuality, experienced that setting.

For top-notch academics, close-knit communities focused on undergraduates, and access to nature, I hope you get into some of the NESCACs on your list, so that you will have those among your options as well.

Thank you!

I think I did impulsively just withdraw my application but knowing that there was little to no chance of me getting in, I don’t exactly regret it. Just one less rejection :joy:

I doubt I will get into any of them because I got waitlisted at Colby and Hamilton, and rejected by Bowdoin. I’m still waiting on Middlebury and Wesleyan but after having gotten rejected by 5 colleges on one day, last weekend, I’m not expecting much.

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Since this remains a Chances thread, you may still, from the NESCACs, get Wesleyan. Then hope for offers from your waitlists as well.

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Hey! Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re two years younger than most applicants, an international student, and you’ve gotten into some very competitive schools already.


Guess we’ll find out in a few hours. Got rejected my Middlebury tho

Thank you very much, I needed that!

Rejected: JHU, Bowdoin, UCLA, UCSD and Oberlin (I kind of expected to get into these 2), Colgate, UCB, Middlebury, Northwestern, Davidson (loved the school :(( ), CMU
Waitlisted: Colby and Case Western (didn’t show any demonstrated interest, which I now regret)
Accepted: Nada

Your link in post #42 to the Business Insider’s “The 610 Smartest Colleges in America” is five years old, and a lot of the top-tier colleges were still listed in the 1300-SAT range. By that reasoning, college students in that period of time must have gained 50 IQ points.

The scoring of the SAT exam itself has been recalibrated since that time. However, the ordering of the schools in the BI link generally comports with more recent analyses:

Probably a good idea to list not just the newest responses, but the results you’ve already received, too, including your acceptances.


Sorry it’s being a tough day, @yoshacurry


Trying to get a good idea. So far you’ve been accepted to UGA, Purdue, Stony Brook, Kent State, Radford, Regis, UNC, UVA, UC Irivine, Skidmore, UC Davis, Ohio State, Virginia Tech, and UIUC, right? Is there any I missed? Congratulations on UIUC for CS + Philosophy! That’s a feeder school to a lot of enviable tech jobs.


I am sorry that you didn’t get into Davidson or Wesleyan, but congratulations on your acceptances! You have a pretty good batch there.

You are in all of your matches and high matches, and three or four reaches. You were also waitlisted at three reaches. So overall, I would say, a pretty good result, and one to be proud of.

I will reiterate something that I wrote on a previous post - I think that a liberal arts college could be the best for you. So I would recommend that you attend Skidmore (which is an amazing college, BTW), and, if not that, then either UVA, where you have relatives, or UNC. If you are removed from Hamilton’s waitlist, then that would also be a good choice.

I am actually surprised at the Oberlin rejection, but with LACs, you never know.

Are you still waiting for any colleges that you like better than your acceptances?

While UIUC is a great school, I don’t know that it’s the best place for a 16 year old who is on her own. I did my PhD there, and my kid did a summer internship there when she was your age, but we have friends there (and she stayed at the home of one of them).

I also think that you should consider taking a gap year, if the college you choose allows it. Attending college as a 17 year old is better than attending colleges as a 16 year old.


Did I miss something? Did the OP report her result at Wesleyan?

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You’re right - I was mistaken.

@yoshacurry - it is definitely a good idea to wait for Wesleyan before you make a decision, unless you prefer at one or more of your acceptances to Wes.

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Not to mention that she’s still waiting on some Ivies, too.

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Yup, that’s correct!
Thank you!

Thank you very much!

Of the LACs that I applied to, Davidson was my favorite. It was also in my top 3 overall. But well, they rejected me. Skidmore is definitely a great college and they sent me a really cute acceptance package which I loved and my AO is very nice and he was very helpful before and after my acceptance! I will definitely consider it.

Dartmouth and maybe Stanford. But I also have to hear back from UW Madison, Clemson, Duke, Columbia, and Princeton. I don’t love those schools quite as much as my current top choice, UNC, but I’d be really grateful if I get in!

Ohh, I amn’t considering UIUC anyway because it doesn’t really vibe with me and I’m more than certain I wouldn’t fit in there.