<p>Hi, I'm 17 and a junior at Winchester High School. It's a fairly good school and is top 5 in the state in terms of ranking, so very high standards and whatnot. </p>
<p>Anyway, my grades and the fact my parents are not from the US make the process even more-so difficult. </p>
<p>My School GPA thusfar (without counting this year) is a 3.4 (out of a 4.5 max - if in Honors and 4.0 in C1). But this junior year, after dropping both Honors Math and Science, my GPA this year is approximately a 3.7. On the MCAS'es, I got advanced rankings which give me some form of a scholarship in Massachusetts colleges. On PSAT's, I got a 640 on Math and 540 on both English sections. </p>
<p>Next year, I'm overloaded, I don't know what classes to take. I don't think it would matter much if I'm a senior. </p>
<p>Looking forward to
-Masterpieces Honors
-Psychology Honors
-Economics Honors
-AP Stats
-Calculus Honors
-Spanish 5 Honors (no AP here for me - not really into Spanish)
-Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics Honors</p>
<p>I can drop Spanish and I wouldn't really care. I'm not particularly great in any one area but math and science which use to be my strength is kind of lacking. I am doing great in C1 classes but Honors just gives me problems.</p>
<p>I can settle for UMass which requires only a 3.2 GPA which is also a general college. Or something better like Boston University or Boston College? But the requirements are MUCH higher and more expensive ($50,000 each compared to Umass $17,000). And the process just seems like a mess, I just don't really know what to look forward to in terms of colleges....(preferably something local in New England). </p>
<p>And will government loans help? I'm praying because I may really need it, parents aren't necessarily rich or anything. I hope these schools aren't really into extracurricular activities because I don't really do many besides few clubs here and there and community service. </p>
<p>Also, how many classes are you suppose to take in college? Is it 4?</p>
<p>I thank you for reading, and if any input can be placed, please tell me about it.</p>