<p>I ran into this crazy problem, I dont have a job because I was planning to get one working at my college when i started and I found out I owe the bank I have a account with like $400 because I overdrafted and my stupid self never read my bank statements so i got slammed with fee's!! Its like a couple weeks before school starts and we planned for my aunt to co sign for me so i could get a loan. The reason it took us so long was because we had to find someone who would agree to do it because my parents are trying to do bankruptcy and the lawyer to them not to do the plus alternative loan so they got this paper im supposed to give to the finaid people to get $4000. So we hoped that my aunt could get the loan so i could get some more money..............sadly we where denied.</p>
<p>So im screwed I dont have enough money for college I have no job I owe the bank so no way im gonna get a loan myself. My parents say that I should just use the $5000 im gonna get but thats not enough my classes are like 8000 themselves and I need books and a laptop plus a parking pass, im cant figure this out I dont know what to do. So im asking if anyone knows where I can try to get a loan even if my parents are trying to file backruptcy or somthine I need idea's and fast because school starts on the 28th!!</p>
<p>Oh goodness, you have to calm down. </p>
<p>You basically need over three grand. </p>
<p>If you have good credit, you can try to find another loan as well as try to find another co signer.
If your bank account will mess things up, then maybe think of something else.</p>
<p>Go to the head of the financial aid department. See if you can go part time off of the five grand without breaking a rule. Ask the HEAD of the financial aid department about any loans for people in your situation. You are still young, if you were once looking at plus alternative loans. That is something which maybe the head of the financial aid department will respect, you know, the fact that you are still young. </p>
<p>You seriously need to please find out why you folks were denied for the loan. It is probably on the letter they send or something? </p>
<p>Can you sell your car and take the bus? That is money right there. The person who is typing this (your new friend...merlinjones) did a three and a half to four hour two bus commute coming and going to University. It can be done. If it works for you, sell your car if it is paid off. You can use that on your tuition.</p>
<p>Also, books are what you make of them. You can buy a book online for next to nothing, if you can find someone to help you with that, like maybe your Aunt could. One of my books cost three bucks because I found it online. And, that is a deep theology book. You can also ask your pals and even your profs if you can borrow their book and then you can zerox it. No one will care if you zerox a book. There is also a hyperlink web ad on ratemyprofessors.com where you can buy a book one chapter at a time. </p>
<p>Hang in there. I am sure more folks will try and post also. Maybe smarty sybbie:) will post? sybbie is smart with this stuff.</p>
<p>Thx. It just is really bothering me because it's like right at the last minute everything is starting to fall apart, then while searching through this site I read about this girl who was about to get this insane loan and get screwed over and owe a crazy amount of money, and im thinking maybe this college this is a bad idea I dont even have money to go let alone pay off some crazy loan bill..............it's just....alot too fast.</p>
<p>gosh </p>
<p>you made me type in all caps...</p>
<p>Please speak with the head of the financial aid department at your school as soon as possible.
You might be able to just go part time for the fall, as long as that is not breaking a rule of your school. You maybe could obtain some sort of loan. There are many maybes with you situation, but you have to speak with the head of the financial aid department for sure.
If you are getting a pell grant, read the University Catalogue and see what the rule is for going part time on a pell grant, if need be. </p>
<p>Also, maybe you cannot go in the fall?!
Who is that going to hurt?!
Worse case scenario, you cannot go in the fall. That means you can organise everything for the spring. Get a job for the fall, bank some money, study for a CLEP test and get some University credit... Reminds me of that saying, hope springs eternal.
Does not matter when you start, just as long as you finish.</p>
I found out I owe the bank I have a account with like $400 because I overdrafted
<p>first of all pay off the $400 to your bank. It's a small amount of money and you may need to come back to them as far as requesting other servcices.</p>
My parents say that I should just use the $5000 im gonna get but thats not enough my classes are like 8000 themselves
<p>if your parents are giving you 5000, after you pay off the pank you will have $4600. leaving you with a $3400 short fall.</p>
<p>Do you currently have stafford loans as part of your FA package?</p>
<p>If your parents were turned down for a plus loan, you will be eligible to borrow an additional $4000/yr through stafford, which should close your gap.</p>
<p>Okay, you are not working. What are you doing to change this situation? Do you have any money saved up? How much is your parking pass? You may have to barter some services ex: yard work or other tasks in order to get your parking pass paid for. IF you have no job how are you maintaining your car and making insurance payments? I agree with Merlin, this car may be an expense that you will have to cut fi you can't afford it.</p>
<p>Regarding the computer; You have a couple of options. You can use your school's computer lab. It may be inconvienent and a pain but it is free. if you cleared up your bank account, I would recommend going to dell.com and ordering a computer because right now prices are through the floor, you can get one dirt cheap and if you are already 18, they may extend you credit (make the monthly payments).</p>
<p>Regarding the books: If you know what classes you are taking, drive over to the book store (or go on line) find out the book list for the classes that you are taking. The school library will have a few copies on reserve (down side is you can't check them out). They may also have a couple of copies in the stacks (which you can check out). this may be able to tide you over until your financial situation improves.</p>
<p>Overall, you know this is only a short term solution. You will have to get a job go to work earn and SAVE some money so you are not in this bind again. In addtion if people see that you are making the effort to help your self they will be more willing to help you.</p>
<p>good luck.</p>
<p>ok that 5000 is from the stafford and them not being able to get the plus, about the bank thing I have no idea what im gonna do about that because I only have alittle to deal with college money wise but I know it can screw me so im gonna have to think of somthine.</p>
<p>The job thing my friend told me about a job at arbys so i might try thier.</p>
<p>About the car about insurance and stuff.........no comment......about that.....about selling my car.......no way!! I would rather not go to college then sell my car, its that important. My mom is pretty persistant that I just try to go to college half time but I dont really know if that will work or not especially if I do that they wont give me any loans.</p>
<p>My mom's friend from church told her about a scholarship for first in the family to go to college but she really didnt tel her where to go to find it and when the deadline is so im trying to look that up, and tommorow im goin to the FinAid office to see if they have any idea's but so far im still gonna be screwed but thanks for the advice it's still giving me some direction.</p>
<p>if you go to school part time, you are still going to have a short fall because any FA you have will be cut in half accordingly including your loans.</p>
<p>recap (testing for understanding),</p>
<p>After all of your grants, loans (sub and unsub stafford loans) you are $8,000 short.</p>
<p>Cutting out your car and the expense associated with having it is out of the question.</p>
<p>Now in the process of looking for a job</p>
<p>Other alternatives:</p>
<p>You have accepted admission to a school that you cannot afford and the answer is really not taking on massive debt. The amount of loans yoy will have to take out is only going up. Should you get a loan to cover your gap you will have 15000 worth of debt this year alone, which will put you at over 70000 by the time you finish (counting increases and interest).</p>
<p>Is going to community college for 2 years an option?</p>
<p>Is taking a gap year, working a reapplying (casting a wider net to schools that give better aid than the school you are scheduled to attend an option?</p>
<p>If you insist on taking on more loans (which I do not recommend) have you tried Citiassist?</p>
<p>I went to see the Head of financial aid today and she helped me out alot. Suprisingly she told me the same as sybbie that is was a bad idea to get more loans so she sent me to this place and I signed up for a payment plan option. Then after that I signed up for student employment to help make the payments. So im guessing maybe everything is gonna work out.</p>
<p>I am glad that you were able to work something out.</p>