Really really nervous

<p>In the last couple of days I've started these weird dreams about going online and reading the acceptance/deferral/rejection letter......I don't think that's a good sign. I'm sure everyone else is freaking out as well, but how are you guys handling the anxiety? Because I know I'm certainly not.</p>

<p>Haha.... We are all in the same boat m'lady.</p>

<p>If I were you I would go outside and stroll Rodeo Dr. Haha, kidding. No but it is terribly difficult to concentrate on anything at all. We have finals in 2 hrs.... so this is a good example. :)</p>

<p>Last night I had a dream that I came home from school and there was a huge package from Yale but when I opened it there was like, a carbard fill in that said "REJECTED." I kid you not.... Such cruel dreams I have.</p>

<p>Since our finals are getting underway, I'm trying to convince myself of the need to focus... and yet, I can't stop thinking of the decision... I went so far as to download "boola boola" so I know what I will hear in the unlikely event that I'm accepted... the stress is killing me...</p>

<p>Man that is intense. I haven't reached the level of boola boola. Maybe I will descend into that level of madness soon enough.</p>

<p>The worst part is that we hear in the middle of finals. It makes concentrating impossible.... ahhhhhh.</p>

<p>hahaha. You guys are silly. Good luck though.</p>

<p>at least I don't have finals now...I'm already having a hard time concentrating in class, I for sure wouldn't be able to focus on finals</p>