<p>increased minimum wage
The Brady Bill
Welfare Reform
<p>WOW DREW! You arent as bad as I thought. I disliked Clinton because he didnt kill osama when he had the chance.</p>
<p>I love bill.</p>
<p>Why because he did all he could to take away personal and economic freedoms?</p>
<p>are you talking to me, drew?</p>
<p>no, that was in response to the person who said I love bill.</p>
<p>yeah it better be lol</p>
<p>Wait, so explain why NAFTA took away economic freedoms.</p>
<p>And tell me why, economically, increasing minimum wage was NECESSARILY a bad thing.</p>
<p>I think the OP is being facetious.</p>
<p>The welfare reform bill of the 90s was totally sweet.</p>
<p>And Bush didn't bend over backwards to take away personal freedoms?</p>
<p>wow futurenyustudent, youll REALLY FIT IN where youre going! Exactly what personal freedoms have we lost? God forbid the govt might listen in on you talking to your mom about what you ate for lunch. Oh, wait, I almost forgot! They only monitored international calls to middle eastern countries. Yeah, our personal freedoms have sooo been violated, in fact, to the extent that you arent even permitted to post bashful things about Bush on the internet...oh, wait, you just did.</p>
<p>I'm against the PATRIOT Act (not for the cases of abuse but for its potential for abuse...although I could care less since I have nothing to hide...I'm not even going to hide my utter disgust at the performance of the Bush Admin), his abortion ban, and I was against the Iraq war, but now that we ****ed up once again, it's not right to leave right now...but whatever, I'll take the compliment. Why not.</p>
<p>Who said I support Bush? I don't support either of them</p>
<p>You should have a reasonable expectation of privacy, even on trivial matters.</p>
<p>"The welfare reform bill of the 90s was totally sweet." </p>
<p>welfare is only encouraging apathy and government dependency</p>
<p>Yes... and no. Welfare can also be useful for circumstances where industries lose competitive advantage to other nations and you need to help them out.</p>
<p>Not all that is considered "welfare" goes to poor black women.</p>
<p>Bill Clinton rocks, and I don't care what anyone says! At least the economy was good when he was president.</p>
<p>I agree.</p>
<p>Here's another point:</p>
<p>Many people voted for bush solely on the abortion issue. Yet, abortion rates were lower during Clinton's terms, because of the welfare issue. (Abortion rates go up when welfare is cut.) Abortion rates were higher during the Reagan years and now during the bush years.</p>
<p>So their good intentions had the opposite effect.</p>
<p>Woah. You ought to be careful there. Correlation is NOT causation.</p>