Recommendatinos for SAT II Spanish Review Books

<p>Any recommendations? And can you elaborate.</p>


<p>lol in general, you won’t get much help from review books for the SAT II languages. For some reason, the test prep companies tend to shy away from those subject tests. go figure.</p>

<p>I didn’t take spanish, but from experience on the french SAT II, I would say that the best way to review is to be in the AP level. i took it after french 3 honors, and it was a big flop for me (although my score was at just the bare minimum to count as “language proficient” for most college course requirements). even better, to have finished the AP level of that language. you’re really not fluent enough to ace the language SAT IIs until the AP level or if you speak the language at home.</p>

<p>ohh god.</p>

<p>I took spanish four last year. And i skipped out on AP this year.</p>

<p>I just need a score better than 650. Likely to happen w/ prep books?</p>

<p>depends on your fluency, i suppose. completion of a fourth year of language will probably help you get higher than a 590 (what i got in french)</p>

<p>another thing is, I don’t know what the scale for the spanish test is like. the french one was screwy b/c less people study french as opposed to spanish. So, fewer french learners=greater proportion of fluent french speakers as opposed to french learners taking the SAT II=bad scale. the mandarin one i heard is screwy too b/c so many chinese kids decide to just take the mandarin sat II and get an 800 easy.</p>