Recommendations- B Student (English,Law, Psychology)

<p>Hi All,
I have lurked on CC for quite some time now, but this is my first post! I am posting not for myself, I am pretty well-equipped on the whole college front, but rather for a friend of mine who is really struggling. Your recommendations on colleges you think 1. she would like and 2. she could get into, would be much appreciated.
Stats below...</p>

<p>GPA: 3.18 (From a private, prestigious, small catholic high school in California)
SAT: 2010
ACT Composite: 30
SAT II Literature: 750 (To be retaken - Dec)
SAT II Spanish: To be taken (Dec)
SAT II Math II: To be taken (Dec)
Only AP's: English Language and English Literature
-5 on the English Language exam
-Helped tutor and maintain a children's orphanage in Shameerzad, Iran for 2 months during the summer of 2005 & 2007.
-Set up and handed out an informational packet translated in different languages to help parents of immigrants get their children into educational programs (She herself is the daughter of two immigrant parents from Iran.)
-Participation in two musicals (Freshman and Senior year)
-Editor of the Literary Magazine for Junior and Senior year.
-Babysitter for the last four years
-Intern for Celeros during the summer of 2006 and 2008.
Location: Preferably either coast. Not in the south. Would prefer the college to be near a larger urban city but not necessarily right in the heart of the city. If it is 20-30 minutes away that is fine as long as the surrounding area is “civilized” and somewhat lively. Not in the middle of nowhere.
Size: Roughly 5,000-15,500 but would not rule out the possibility of smaller or larger schools. Likes the idea of auditorium classrooms with minimum of about 35 people.
School Atmosphere: Direct quote: would like “really intelligent, well-mannered, interesting creative, and vibrant people who enjoy literature and write poetry.” “I want to feel like the people are all just brimming with this potential and this ability.” “I would like who are all really intelligent and driven.” “Really wonderful Professors.”
Interested in: Psychology, Law, and Literature.</p>

<p>Thank you for all of your input!</p>

<p>Here are some schools that I think you can get into and are top notch in the fields you are interested in:</p>

<p>George Mason University (kind of large though, safety)
Gettysburg College (small, competitive to get into though, probably a reach)
Pitzer College (Match)
University Of Utah (Safety School)
University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor (probably another reach school)</p>

<p>I’ll pass on your recommendations. Anyone else please?</p>

<p>What was wrong with the above?</p>

<p>I didn’t mean to imply that I would disregard the previous suggestions. Since the schools are not for me, I meant that I would pass on the information to my friend who this information is for. Sorry for the confusion.</p>

<p>It would help to know your friends class rank. Also, what do you mean by prestigious? Unless the rank is different than a 3.1 most places, prestigious seems unlikely.</p>

<p>Her school does not rank. And by prestigious I mean very rigorous, cut throat, and well known as one of the best private schools in California. The school is much more difficult than most, although granted, I doubt this will help her much in the college admissions process. I am just looking for a wide array of school choices to offer her, any suggestions would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>pierre0913. There is NO WAY that a 3.18 gpa is going to get you into Michigan for a regular student, especially from OOS. I suspect you really know very little about U-M.</p>

<p>Stonehill College on the South Shore of Boston may be a possibility. They are run by the same order than runs Notre Dame. It is a very good college but not quite as tough to get into as a Boston College or Holy Cross.</p>

<p>If your friend scored a 750 on the Literature Sat II, I suspect her 3.18 is more competitive than it appears. Or did she get A’s in English but not in much anything else? I’m just trying to figure out what caliber schools she can look at. That score is impressive.</p>

<p>She is very intelligent when it comes to English. By far the best writer in my class. However, she has not consistently received A’s in English simply due to her inability to turn in essays and homework on time. However, when she eventually does turn in her papers, she receives A’s on all of them if you disregard the deduction for being late.
Thank you for all your advice so far, any more opinions would be greatly welcomed.</p>

<p>She is looking for a much easier to get into Brown, Vassar, or Wesleyan.</p>

<p>Wheaton is another strong school similar to Stonehill and also in same geographic area, 30 miles south of Boston.</p>

<p>Bump. Any more recommendations?</p>

<p>Loyola College in Maryland?</p>