
<p>I'm working on a violin recording to send to the schools that I'm applying for.
Would it hurt my chances if I sent my application on time, but sent my recording a tad bit late? The recording is not ready yet...
Should I call the school, or make a note on my application? Or should I just not send it at all??
*The recording is not a required part of the application.</p>

<p>call the school</p>

<p>Same thing here,</p>

<p>Unfortunately I only began playing cello again just recently after taking a half-year hiatus, and so I was pretty rough on my skills and it took a while for me to get used to it again. I e-mailed the school regarding if I could send in a recording of this medley I was putting together, to which they responded that if I could send it in before late February, it would be alright. Sadly I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish it until the end of next month.</p>

<p>I think you would be better off contacting the school, each respective school has it’s different guide lines and requirements. Almost all of the schools I was applying to, with the exception of one, didn’t even list it as optional.</p>

<p>Edit: New to CC btw, nice to meet you all.</p>

<p>Nice to meet ya askjeeves. =)</p>

<p>Nice to meet you too I’m everyones’s favorite here :)</p>

<p>There being pretty generous on time this yr. And send it to the head of the music department then e-mail the personn. They may write you a recommendation or something…or at least they do for sports and stuff.</p>


<p>Aspirant–send it!</p>

<p>New Situation:
Im recording on Saturday or Sunday, which would be the 31st or the 1st.
I can send it on the day I record,
but I’m not sure where I can send.
I’ve sent two applications that were due on the 15th,
and I have four more schools that have February 1st deadlines.
I’m not sure whether I should just send the recording to the February schools,
or if I should send it to all of the schools.
I mean, I worked really hard on it, and I’m thinking I may as well…
but then it’s so random- they weren’t expecting it, and the deadline passed two weeks ago…
Input would be greatly appreciated! :D</p>

<p>Send it to all the schools; they have a whole month to listen to it.</p>

<p>Yeah… just send it :smiley:
Or you can email them and ask if you can possibly email them the recordings. One of my friends did so and it saved them the money to send them off.</p>

<p>bump!! (tencharacters)</p>

<p>Honestly, anyone who posts a chances thread is very easily identifiable. Anyone who has made a chances thread should know this, and I think the majority of us do, but we also (atleast I do) make an effort to make everything we type on here presentable. Whenever I write on here, I assume an admissions officer will read what I write.</p>

<p>I am curious. How is it identifiable? I am not worried about an admissions officer. I just want to know how one would be identified.</p>

<p>If your username is your ACTUAL NAME! Most people aren’t that dumb, maybe if you’ve won an unique award? Or just the combination of your stats (SSAT score, EC’s, grades, etc…)</p>