Records at IDay and BCT?

<p>Current cadets or parents of current cadets,
I am doing all my medical now and hope to be part of next year’s class. In reading through posts about inprocessing, I see you must bring medical records. Is that all the exams/remedials I’m doing now? Is that the birth-present medical records I’ve read some people have to get? Exactly, what are those medical records, besides shot record, hand carried for IDay?
I’m just doing a lot now and wondered if I’m going to need copies of everything in the end anyways.
This is an example of what I read on an earlier post:</p>

<p>This is a list of what you MUST have (they must be hand carried):</p>

<p>Black eyeglass strap
Eyeglass and contact prescription
Dental X-rays
Orthodontic retainers
Military medical records
Travel receipts (of travel to the Academy, if you want to be reimbursed)
Combat Boots
Other scholarship checks
Military ID (if prior military or dependent)
Essential medicines
Direct Deposit Sign-up form (SF1199A)</p>

<p>AFTER you receive an Appointment and accept, incoming cadets are sent a detailed booklet of items they must obtain. You will have plenty of time to collect what is needed. </p>

<p>Reguarding medical records, how far back you need to go would depend on what you had medical treatment for. Most of this is obtained for the DoDMERB's "qualified" status. Here is just an example of the medical reports my son HAD to get and/or bring:</p>

<p>BEFORE my son was a qualified candidate by DoDMERB, DoDMERB sent us a form that needed to be completed by our son's physician confiming the last date he treated our son for alllergies. Also during the DoDMERB exam, my son said that he had x-rays in the prior 12 months (of his exam) for a finger sprain. He had to forward ALL medical records related to the finger sprain (chart notes and x-ray film narrative report). All was good. He was "qualified" by DoDMERB! UNTIL..........................</p>

<p>Nov. 11, preseason wrestling practice.............I got a call from the trainer.<br>
Accidents DO happen. Son got bear hugged by team mate and he tore the cartilage in his lower rib cage. ER visit followed. Diagnosis: Fractured ribs (even though the x-rays where not conclusive). Eight weeks of recovery was still the plan.</p>

<p>Dec. 16, Offer of Appointment! </p>

<p>Jan. 11, AM Physician rechecked and cleared for full contact. GREAT!</p>

<p>Jan. 11, PM Notified DoDMERB. Son is now "qualified PENDING" OH NO!</p>

<p>We then had to obtain ALL ER, CT scan, X ray & followup check reports and forward to DoDMERB. After three weeks and a call from DoDMERB to talk to son, his status changed back to "qualified" GREAT! </p>

<p>We still had to get ER X-film and CT scan images from the hospital. After a few phone calls and a trip to the hospital, the data was burned to a CD that my son brought with him. </p>

<p>As for Dental films, those too must be taken with the 12 months prior to I-day.</p>

<p>Getting an extra copy of a CERTIFIED BIRTH CERTIFICATE can be done now. It never hurts to have the extra copy. </p>

<p>Hope this helped.</p>

<p>Thank you for your post. Yes, it did help.
So, correct me if I'm wrong, what is handcarried to IDay is everything between DoDMERB's clearance and IDay itself. You are not bringing all the original exams and remedials.</p>

<p>My son had to hand carry his shot records (AFA From) which came in the mail about May 2006. The original medical reports stay with the treating physician but copies are what we forwarded on to DoDMERB before they changed son's status back to "qualified". Besides the shot record form, the only other medical documentation son carried was a readalbe CD the hospital radiology department made. It only had the film images of the CT scan and x-rays from the rib injury. </p>

<p>I hope that helps.</p>