Admidst the upcoming D-Day i’ve begun reflecting on the admissions process as a whole, how it effects people, what it means for the future etc. Having been accepted ED to a school i really wanted to go to ive had some time to really sit and consider. My whole life (or that part of it in which i was aware of college etc) i just assumed I’d be going to a good school. I knew i was smart so i figured id just get it, no matter what i did etc. Lets just say, i didnt quite work up to potential, and thats not to say i did badly because i didnt. My test scores are high, my work outside schools is very strong, and my grades aren’t that terrible. But it never really concerned me. That is, of course, until I actually started applying. And started realizing how hard it is to get into a top school. Then panic set in. “What if i didnt get into a top college? Am i failure? This is my only chance, what if i screwed myself?”
Well for me it worked out. In December i was accepted to my favorite “elite” school (JHU) after a long decision period (deciding where to apply ED, I really liked Princeton too).
But now I find myself reflecting yet again. Thinking about what it really means to be going to a top school. I fullfilled my dreams (by the skin of my teeth, granted) but every year a huge number of students across the country and the world await anxiously from a decision from one of the very best Universities and Colleges and that vast majority dont get a yes. To be able to a) get into a school like that and b) be able to attend, is really a blessing and one i should appreciate even more than i already have.
I give myself credit (not bragging, just reflecting :-D), because i realize now its really a great accomplishment, and one that is guarenteed to absolutely no one.
So anyway, i’m babbling from boredom, but I want to send congrats to everyone who will be joining me at the best schools in the best country next year. Heres to everyone trying to get there and the best of luck to everyone still waiting.