
If you don't take the exam you paid for, do you automatically receive partial refund, or don't you get any refund at all?

<p>You can get a partial refund

Refunds You may ask for a refund if you do not begin an exam for which you have paid. Local school policy determines the amount of the refund. You will probably be required to pay the $13 fee the school is charged for each unused exam. Once you begin an exam -- that is, write on an exam booklet or answer sheet -- you cannot receive a refund.


<p>Thanks for your post.
So does that mean if you paid $83 for the exam and didn't write it, will you receive a partial refund of $70?</p>

<p>Way to hijack a thread. I can definitely help you with your question, but start your own thread.</p>

<p>aren't they the same person....?</p>

<p>What are you guys talking about?</p>

<p>rockermcr thought your second post was from a different person. he thought this person was stealing your thread by adding a question of his/her own.</p>

<p>I see..
But could I get my previous question answered?: If you paid $83 for the exam and didn't write it, will you automatically receive a partial refund of $70?

<p>When I posted my hijacking thing, someone posted asking one of those frequent 'Which AP exam should I take?!?' questions, so I told them to post it in another thread. I guess it got deleted or something, or I might have somehow accidentally posted what I did in this thread when I should have posted it in another one. Sorry about that!!</p>

<p>No, that's ok.</p>

<p>To answer your question, I'm pretty sure you will automatically get a partial refund. I'm a bit too lazy to look through my AP bulletin to see exactly how much you will get back, but I will see soon enough, and then I'll tell you.</p>

<p>Thanks, rockermcr. :)</p>


<p>I'd like to know as well.</p>

<p>Cowering out so early? :D</p>

<p>From the AP exam bulletin 2006-2007:</p>

Exam Fees</p>

<p>The fee for each exam is $83. The amount you pay, however, may vary:</p>

<li><p>Fee reductions* of $22 per exam are available from the College Board for students with financial need. In addition, schools forgo their $8 rebate for each fee-reduced exam, making the final cost $53 per exam. Most states provide federal and/or state funds to supplement the College Board fee reduction. Check with your AP Coordinator to learn more about fee reductions and state and district subsidies.</p></li>
<li><p>Some schools charge their students a different fee to recover the proctoring and administration costs.</p></li>

<p>If you do not begin an exam for which you have paid, you may ask your AP Coordinator for a refund. Local school policy determines the amount of the refund. You will probably be required to pay the $13 fee the school is charged for each unused exam. Once you begin an exam--that is, write on an exam booklet or answer sheet-- you cannot receive a refund.</p>

<p>*For internal purposes, such as an audit or invoice verification, a state may request from the College Board the names of its public school students who receive fee reductions; in such cases, the state will agree to maintain the confidentiality of such data.


<p>Cowering out so early? :D</p>

<p>So does that mean if you paid $83 for the exam and didn't write it, will you receive a partial refund of $70?</p>

<p>Some schools might give you less because of their personal policies. Usually, a portion of the money you pay goes to proctoring costs, so it might not necessarily be refundable.</p>