? regarding Aero Engineering BS

<p>While discussing engineering on another forum someone brought the following to my attention. I was hoping some of the long time Engineering students may be able to give me an answer to this.</p>

<p>"...if your student is interested in a Aerospace Engineering degree, double check the Virginia Tech program because I believe the only ABET accredited section of the VT Aerospace Engineering department is the graduate section."</p>

<p>I have a strong feeling my son will end up mech with a few classes in aero, but right now he wants aero so we should check everything out. (We all know kids change their minds SOME of the time :) ). If he's accepted for fall 2011 he should know what his options are.</p>

<p>Many thanks.</p>

<p>My son graduated from VT in 2007 with a BS in Aerospace Engineering. The program was ABET accredited then. Here is the link on the VT website that confirms that it’s still accredited: [AOE@VT:</a> Undergraduate Studies](<a href=“http://www.aoe.vt.edu/academics/undergrad/]AOE@VT:”>http://www.aoe.vt.edu/academics/undergrad/)</p>

Thanks so much! I am usually much more proactive and could have found that information readily myself. It dawned on me a few minutes after I posted here.
I appreciate it. I didn’t want to argue with the person who I quoted above, but I would have been VERY surprised if VT wasn’t ABET accredited. They were suggesting only UVa & ODU were. I didn’t feel like going any further in the conversation as the ODU crowd didn’t like me much :slight_smile: .
Thanks again!</p>

<p>The aerospace program is accredited. It goes up for review again 2013-2014.</p>

<p>That’s OK blueiguana, hang out over here on the VT forum, these Hokies are pretty nice folks :)</p>

<p>blueiguana, Saw this aero engineering story as I was reading the VT daily email this morning. Thought you and your son may be interested in it so I thought I would share…</p>

<p>[University</a> takes first place with flying rescue vehicle design for NASA contest | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech](<a href=“University takes first place with flying rescue vehicle design for NASA contest | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech”>University takes first place with flying rescue vehicle design for NASA contest | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech)</p>

<p>Thanks K&Ksmom!
Very cool! I have sent the link on to my son. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled. What an exciting time! Congratulations to all of the wonderful engineers at VT!!!</p>

<p>Yes, the hokienation is a nice bunch of people :slight_smile: I appreciate the responses and knew I’d get good information here. If S2 has the opportunity to attend VT, he’d be a very, very happy young man!! For a budding engineer who likes hands on things, this is like a kid in a candy shop!!</p>

<p>Actually I read somewhere the Aerospace program is one of the highest ranked engineering programs at the school I think it was in the top 10 or top 15 in the nation among all national universities?</p>