Regarding Hyphy at UCSD.

<p>this is, according to forbes, which i'm pretty sure is more trustworthy than yourself.</p>

<p>Umm... Just because San Jose and San Francisco are the "richest cities" doesn't mean that they are big contributors to the economy, especially when you consider that most statistical methods will bias towards NorCal since the cities are so small and have smaller distributions of income. So while San Jose may be super rich, its next door neighbour may be the poorest city in the country... So Forbes data on city wealth denied...</p>

<p>did you read the whole thread or just the last few posts</p>

<p>::rolls eyes again::</p>


<p>"anything we say will not change iran's's like preaching to a conservative"

<p>Richest in terms of what you morons? GDP? Per capita income? How do you define rich? I personally define rich as the % the city contributes to the state's overall GDP. If that were the case, SoCal > NorCal</p>

<p>miss blue sky won miss texas? wow IRAN.4 knows everything</p>

<p>It's easy to be remotely attractive in a sea of incestuous redneck trash in Texas, of course!</p>

<p>right, iran.4. **** you.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You have to show me wikipedia articles to prove your point? LMAO</p>

<p>OMG! You know what wikipedia is?????????????????????</p>

<p>Of course I know; I'm not from Texas!</p>

<p>That doesn't even make sense.</p>

<p>You're saying that I don't know what Wikipedia is because I'm from Texas, yet I just linked you to Wikipedia pages. </p>

<p>I think in terms of reliability, Wikipedia is far more reliable than you.</p>

<p>This fall will be fun. I can't wait to kick your scrawny (or fat as hell) ass!</p>

<p>Oh yeah? I'll file for domestic abuse. No fighting in THIS marriage!</p>

<p>hahahaah the missus is violent</p>

<p>Is Miss Blue Sky Asian? Oh wait, she went to Plano, she has to be!</p>

<p>dude, don't mess with texas.</p>


<p>damn iran.4 is a stalker haha</p>

<p>I just assumed based on her links</p>