Regarding Hyphy at UCSD.

<p>Are there alot of these hyphy kids at SD? I met one in the suite I stayed at during orientation and so was wondering if there are more of these people.</p>

<p>oh yea? was he dancing around?</p>

<p>get stupid</p>

<p>Yes he danced alot, no just kidding he didn't do any dance moves lol.</p>

<p>So many San Francisco kids peverting our UCSD :(</p>

<p>if us sf peoplez never were at ucsd, it would be @ the bottom of the ranks. you should thank us and be our slaves.</p>

<p>Socal Represent</p>

<p>let me guess: iran.4, did you get a warning message from Amistad? =p</p>

<p>of course not</p>

<p>i can C walk and do the chocolate rain dance</p>

<p>okay this is getting out of hand. we're going to be living in SAN DIEGO, not San Francisco, that's enough!</p>



<p>That's what YOU think. You better not look at this:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>hey IRAN.4 the crip walk originated in LA .........</p>

<p>okay guys, here's the plan for some time during welcome week:</p>

<p>1) figure out where IRAN.4 will be living in ERC.
2) get large boombox
3) wait for the appropriate moment
4) run into his room and GET HYPHY
5) win.</p>

<p>personally, I find the NorCal vs. SoCal rivalry childish and unnecessary. I don't understand it, just like I don't understand white vs. black or straight vs. gay. as cliche as it is...can't we all just get along?</p>

<p>get to know your NorCal brothers and sisters without judging them prematurely! it's just as bad as judging someone by their race.</p>

<p>im a flower power guy ... i love peace man</p>

<p> you mean by "perverting"? what have you established from your experiences with students from san francisco?</p>

<p>Wait until your daily vocabulary becomes infiltrated with hella's.</p>

<p>I'm a SoCal person, and I didn't get what the big deal was about the whole SoCal vs. NorCal thing before I went into college, but NorCal people are always trying to say they're the best so... They invoke the battle?</p>

<p>sorry, but i've gotta give mad props to sf the yay area. :P</p>

<p>NorCal people are major instigators. I guess they're just jealous that their weather sucks more and that they live in dulls-ville. But I had arguments about NorCal vs. SoCal about every week... Hella annoying, hehe.</p>