<p>When I wrote it, I had it single-spaced, and it's just about a page and a half. They say they want an essay of 1-2 pages, so I figure this is fine. However, how do they want it formatted when it's sent in? Should I keep it single-spaced, or do 1.5 or double so it's easier to read (even though that makes it over two pages)? Just wondering what someone else thought -- thanks for any responses!</p>
<p>So this is getting a little urgent now. Can someone please tell me what they did?</p>
<p>I don’t have much experience in this area, but if it were me, I’d go with the 1.5 space and do everything in my power to cut down the essay to its essence in 2 pages, no fluff or inflation or superfluous phrases. These people are reading over 3000 applications, and a brief, concise, and to the point essay will be a relief and stand out among long winded ones. It’s a difficult task concentrating yourself into two pages, but its better than saying too much and showing that you aren’t focused</p>
<p>I asked my admissions rep. when she visited my high school and she said that an ideal length is 2 pages double spaced. She said that the essays also show whether or not you can write concisely and clearly. My essay was a few lines over her suggested limit and I was accepted ED, so my advice would be to keep it around 2 pages double spaced (maybe a little longer if you absolutely need to).</p>
<p>If they wanted it formatted a certain way, they would have said so. Do it however you think looks best.</p>
<p>I did all my essays single spaced, but that’s just because I’ve always single spaced things unless I was told to or was expecting them to be marked on.</p>
<p>Mine was two pages double spaced</p>