Reggaeton/hiphop/other great music forum

<p>Since probably April of last year, I have been getting into Reggaeton more than I've been living. Breathing I mea. I LOVE IT!</p>

<p>Just going to say...anybody have any suggesrtions on amazing reggaeton music?</p>

<p>My favorite songs so far are:</p>

<p><em>Ay chico-lengua afuera</em> by Pitbul
<em>Me Quiere Besar</em> by Alexis y Fido.</p>

<p>And a lot of others haha.</p>


<p>Do you use BT? If you do, a</a> present for you.</p>

<p>I'm personally not huge on reggaeton but I go through the mixes every once in a while.</p>

<p>!!!!!!!!!! Thanks jack4640!!!! This is amaazingggg. Lol.<br>
These are awesome songs lol.</p>