<p>Post your registration date for fall/summer! Also include how many credits you have total before and after this semester.</p>
<p>Registration date: 3/29 5:15PM
117 total credits, 51 UF, taking 15 this semester</p>
<p>Post your registration date for fall/summer! Also include how many credits you have total before and after this semester.</p>
<p>Registration date: 3/29 5:15PM
117 total credits, 51 UF, taking 15 this semester</p>
<p>March 30 5:15PM. </p>
<p>D will have 114 UF hours at the end of this semester. Graduating this summer!</p>
<p>131 hrs (including this semester) 3/29 4:30 pm chemE major</p>
<p>3/26 11:20 AM economics major senior but hopefully going for a victory lap</p>