<p>I"m taking the sat 1 in june but i rather take more Sat IIs. Since the deadline already passed to change tests is it possible to go "standby" if so do i call collegeboard about this. I have no worries about availability of the Sat II since i live in a small city. Thanks for answering my long question.</p>
<p>My son is registered for SAT II's in June and I called to see if he can do a retake of SAT I instead on that day. My son would have to register and pay for the SAT I and pay an additional $19 for making a change. Then they will credit back the original charge for the SAT II's that he originally registered for. You then just show up that day and tell the proctor which test you are taking. I think the time you need to go standby is when you have not registered for any test on that day and registration deadline has passed. My son may go standby for the ACT. You just show up with pencil and registration and if there are tests and extra seats then you go in and take the test. Hope this helps.</p>
<p>thanks very much exactly what i was looking for</p>