Regrets on not choosing Madison

I’m from minnesota and decided to commit to college in California. I want to go to school for business and loved the school instantly. I was between it and UW madison which was hard to understand since they are complete opposites in location, size, etc. Now that two weeks since decision day have passed I am facing major regrets. I don’t know if it’s just nerves or if I genuinely made the wrong choice. I think madison is the perfect school for me but the only downside was I wanted to move somewhere really different. Now the idea of leaving is painful and madison seems perfect. I know I can transfer but I don’t know if I can make it to that. Is there any way to enroll late? I think I made a huge mistake. Advice?

There is clearly a part of you that longs “to move somewhere really different,” and you know very well that UW Madison is not much different from Minnesota. California definitely is. I think you made the right choice, and you are just getting nervous about what it will be like, and whether you will feel at home there, etc. That’s fine and natural. Embrace the adventure and recognize what a great chance this is to expand yourself, your knowledge and interests, and your ultimate opportunities by immersing yourself in California for four years. You can always go to UW Madison for grad school, but by then you will know from personal experience where in the U.S. you want to live and work. If you did grow to love California as much as you “loved the school instantly,” then you will find it much easier to get a job there if you have your degree there and are local for interviews. If you really prefer the Midwest after four years in California, then it’s easy to come back since you are from there and already have connections. Also consider that if you like California but miss the Midwest, you can consider doing summer internships in Minnesota or Wisconsin throughout college. Go with your first gut instincts, which told you that you want to get away and experience something new, and which told you that you’re going to love that university you chose in California!

Do you have wealthy parents? Can you attend either school with no debt? Or, is money part of your concern?

I know so many kids who longed to go away but then transfered back to Madison after freshman year.

Madison has an outstanding School of Business.

You could call Admissions on Monday to ask IF you can change your mind. It’s not going to be the first time they’ve had that question.


Money isn’t an issue but obviously if I could save money that would be great. I would love to be in California but I’m worried that that is the main allure of the school for me. I’m very close to my family and, I would love to be closer to them. I have heard great things about madison business and I like larger class size. The big negative about my school is that it is 40 minutes from San francisco. I love that it is close but other than that there isn’t much going on near it. The school is small and doesn’t have a ton of school spirit so I am worried it won’t be as fun. Madison is spirited, there is always something going on, and is well known all over the world. I am just worried that if I went to school in the Midwest, that I would never get out.

Any more thoughts? I’m really leaning towards madison after talking with my family. Has anyone ever enrolled past the decision deadline?

Call Monday to see if it is a possibility and then if so, also contact housing about if you can get into a dorm.

Google Teach Me How To Bucky on YouTube.

I think I remember you from other threads. If you would save significant money to attend Wisconsin, and you can partake of the business school, I would still recommend it. Consider Madison’s alumni network vs. Santa Clara: honestly, there may be more Wisconsin alumni out in California than all of Santa Clara’s alumni put together. And you have the rest of your life, plus a potentially stellar education in front of you. I know some have recommended Santa Clara for business in the Silicon Valley, and that’s all fine and well. I happen to think that is narrow-minded, and not an apples-to-apples comparison. It’s up to you, but try to consider all of the possibilities, and not limit yourself.

At this point, if madison let me in I would attend next year. Their admissions office isn’t open until Monday though so I have to wait to call. Is there any chance they will let me in?

If they say yes, will it be impossible to get housing after the deadline?

Call Housing on Monday, too.

Honestly, I’d just say stick it out. If you totally can’t see yourself going there then I recommend switching but chances are you’ll have a great time there. I think you’re just nervous about it. Of course you’d fit into Madison but you could also be missing the opportunity on going to this great school and experiencing a completely different atmosphere. Don’t get me wrong, I love Madison but I think you should give it a chance. Plus the housing deadline is over for UW and you’ll be put on a waitlist which has several dozens of students already due to those who were waitlisted and just accepted. You may end up in a private dorm instead like Statesider.

@Insu22 Most likely I’ll be put on a wait list to get in to the school or for residence halls? I am positive after talking about it the past couple of days that I am set on madison if this works out. It’s more than fear. It’s knowing that I made a huge mistake. I will call tomorrow and hope for the best. Thanks for the help!

They accepted me in, and I am planning on enrolling tonight! On wisconsin!

@urban1996 you will be on the waitlist for housing

Yes I talked to housing an hour ago. I’m on the wait list for the residence halls, but I can still look into private housing. What are the thoughts on statesider vs towers?

You might also want to consider Lucky 101 private ‘dorm’ in an upscale building love at ed at 777 University Avenue. It tries to emulate a dorm situation by having 'house fellows (resident assistants).

If you call UW Housing back and ask if there are any openings in Learning Comunities, might that help get you in? (Bradley, Chadbourne, or the Entrepreneur or Greenhouse ones)?

Placement test info

SOAR info (sign up for the earliest date as soon as you can).

I don’t know much about those but I know statesider has a rep to house mostly coasties. Like Madison85 said you should look into the private dorms like Lucky and Regent because they have somewhat of a dorm feel although it may not be the same as UW housing. The Learning Community deadline has passed already and choosing rooms has already taken place so I’m not sure if those will still be available.