Regular classes in high school

I’m currently becoming a senior in high school and I’ve taken all regular classes and I’ve gotten all B’s and most of them are A’s, the only bad grade I’ve recieved was a D in chem 1st semester but now I passed with an A… Im wondering what schools can I get into? Any UC’s or cal-states? I’ve done many extra curricular activities as well such as sports and clubs. My sat score was not so great so Idk…

You’ll need to post your GPA and test scores.

There’s a lid for every pot… your dream school is out there somewhere.

Here’s how we approached the college search with my B average son (19 in a few days) and his 17 year old sister:

  1. They decided on a major. For him it was originally Sports Management, then switched to Criminal Justice. For her, it's Fashion Merchandising.
  2. We completed a number of College Search quizzes. (I think the one on CC is still down as it's revamped, but you can find a number of others online. We kept the parameters as open as possible and ended up with a pretty large list of schools.
  3. We decided on a radius-- for us, it's 4 or so hours from home. We're on Long Island, so it's roughly Boston to Baltimore. That narrowed down the list a bit.
  4. We set up a Word document. It lists school, location, miles from home, cost, 25th and 75th SAT scores (You can find them at ) and pros and cons.
  5. We spent some time on each school's web site just seeing what they offer. My daughter, for example, really wants a school with suites instead of hallway bathrooms. (She had a nasty case of the flu last year, and doesn't relish the thought of running way down the hall if she's ill.) It wouldn't be a priority for me, but it is for her, so it counts. She also loves watching hockey, so that's a plus to list under "pros" if a school has it.
  6. Start to visit schools. We've seen 2 so far-- one she love, the other she hated. (Still a good visit; that's what the visit is supposed to accomplish.) We have 4 more lined up for this summer-- some may change when she gets the scores from the June SAT in a few weeks.
  7. Get to work on your Common App essay, and get your apps started early in the fall.


W: 3.53
UW: 3.73
( I got a 4.0 this last semster so my GPA will probably go up )
Sat score : 820

Try taking the ACT after intense test prep. If your scores don’t go up consider applying to test optional schools. There are many of them out there.

You need to get your score to 1100 to have a shot at UCM/UCR.
Work on the sat seriously, using Khan academy until you can solve each type of question correctly several times in a row. Go notion by notion, question type by question type. It’ll require daily work till August.
However you have more realistic odds at mid tier Csu’s. Sonoma, which can be test optional for Californians, would be a very good choice. Csu Bakersfield, Humboldt, San Marcos, Channel Islands would all be possibilities if you can bring that score to a 950-1000.

UC’s put a heavy emphasis on HS course rigor. You have a good GPA but as stated above UCR/UCM might be possible if you can bump up your test scores but these are Reach schools right now. The non- impacted Cal states might be your best chances since you usually can get an acceptance with a minimum eligibility index (CSU GPA x800) + (SAT Math + CR). A minimum 2900 is needed for Dominguez Hills, Bakersfield, channel Islands, East Bay and Stanislaus.

Look at the non-impacted campuses and majors and target those schools.

What is your local CSU since you get priority?

If a UC is your goal, then going the community college route and transferring is a well known path.

My local CSU is northridge

This is CSUN’s information on impaction and eligibility index. For non-impacted majors, a EI of 2900 is listed. For specific impacted majors, there is a table to determine eligibility.