Regular Decision Class of 2023

Anyone get honors along with acceptance?

@hokieinCO He is also business! Phew…

@syntacticalbeing Wow, you have great stats. I would be more than “little disappointed”. What major did you apply for?

PS. Just curious - how do you get 4.0 unweighted GPA - nothing but straight A’s? Makes me think that my son has little chance to get in from wait list with GPA3.6 and SAT1330…

@genesmasher yes, I got straight A’s in all courses. I applied for physics, but of course you don’t technically commit to your major until a little later after starting college. I did at least get accepted to GMU Honors College, so don’t feel too bad for me. My main focus during undergrad will be research, since I have taught myself much of the standard college curriculum already.

@genesmasher don’t be discouraged. College is a crapshoot anyway, and I probably wasn’t turned down for academic reasons. Instead they probably weren’t enthused with my extracurriculars or personality. I wish your son the best.

Can’t click on “Undergraduate Admissions Home” because it gives me an error.

accepted :slight_smile: / anyone down to make a groupchat ?

Anyone else having issues connecting? My applicant is not able to reach the page?

@Warrenless click “fall 2019” under admission term to view

@pungie2000 yeah haha i was accepted. go hokies !!! congrats on your acceptance too

Congrats to both of you! @hokieinCO @sven17 :smiley: so happy!

Don’t get discouraged. I think UVA can accept you with the looks of your SAT score and gpa! @syntacticalbeing

I was accepted!

SAT: 1370 (670 english 700 math)
GPA: 3.5 UW 4.0 W
Major: Computational Modeling & Data Analytics in the College of Science
4 APs, decent extracurriculars, my school is very well known amongst colleges in NC & surrounding states for being rigorous so that helps.