Reject party!!!

<p>Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! HA HA! HA HA! HA HA!</p>

<p><em>continues working on Crime and Punishment</em></p>

<p><em>praises God</em></p>

<p><em>continues working on Crime and Punishment</em></p>

<p>Here, any of you who pass by <em>tosses keg of mountain dew</em> Merry Rejection! And happy applying to the four winds!</p>

i’m listening to my rejection playlist!
i’ve now gone through the “that was disappointing” songs and the “i don’t like you” songs and have progressed to the “i don’t care” and “i’m better than you” songs. </p>

<p>if anyone is interested:</p>

“Falling Down” (Oasis)
“Winning Days” (The Vines)
“Despair in the Departure Lounge” (Arctic Monkeys)
“No Need to Cry” (British Sea Power)
“All Over Now” (Eric Hutchinson)
“What Ever Happened” (The Strokes)
“Many Shades of Black” (The Racontuers)
“Turn On Me” (The Shins)
“If You Were There Beware” (Arctic Monkeys)
“You Don’t Understand Me” (The Raconteurs)
“I Don’t Like You Anymore” (The Last Shadow Puppets)
“Supermassive Black Hole” (Muse)
“Makes Me Wonder” (Maroon 5)
“Get Over It” (OkGo)
“Teddy Picker” (Arctic Monkeys)
“Troublemaker” (Weezer)
“If I Never See Your Face Again” (Maroon 5)
“I Ain’t Losing Any Sleep” (The Sunshine Underground)
“Invincible” (OkGo)
“Seven Nation Army” (The White Stripes)
“Bittersweet Symphony” (The Verve)
“Learnt My Lesson Well” (Kaiser Chiefs)
“Stronger” (Kanye West)
“All Over Again” (Locksley)</p>

<p>hmmm… maybe i’ll looky at one of them, but i really ought to keep destroying Raskolnikov ^_^</p>

<p><em>listens to “Balance” - Deas Vail</em></p>

<p>Ha, suddenly, I can empathize with Raskolnikov:</p>

<p>“The world is horrible! Everywhere, undeserving people are winning. My education’s gone. Did I make the right choice? Dahm, I didn’t, did I?”</p>