Reject Train Going Full Speed

Just wanted to say that many are rooting you on HKimPossible from the sidelines! You will make it–have no doubt. Only question is when. Sending you good vibes for tomorrow, but do not despair if it is not yet the news you want.

How much is the tuition for U of Illinois? We’re spending tons of mental energy trying to figure out what other schools you can get into, but let’s also think about how you might be able to get the money to attend for one year. It would be just one year, right? After that your status will allow lower tuition and/or financial aid? Any combo of jobs (including a good summer job), loans, scholarships from outside groups, and (maybe …) whatever those of us here would pitch in to get you through that first year? Apologies for my ignorance of how grants/loans work.

My father is currently looking for work - but unfortunately, things haven’t been working out (and his back injury in January). UIC is currently the cheapest option, but not something we can easily afford at the moment. A lot of money right now is going towards my status petition (I was surprised how much it costs to even apply).

I will be working at my aunt’s cafe - although she doesn’t pay, she helps my parents with some of the bills and other money related things, so this is something that would be discussed with my parents and my aunt’s family.

My going to Korea to get my “green card” (I’m getting a VISA there, but I’ll be getting an immediate GC once I apply with a VISA). The interview is one-day and a week for the hospital (general exam). It would only take 3 weeks tops to go to Korea, schedule a health check, do the interview, and return home; then another month and a half to receive my green card (if all goes to plan).

@GoodPoint The thing is, if I do go to any college (whether that be CC, UIC, UIUC, or any other affordable college), I would no longer be considered a freshman first year. My family could scramble money for a year at my community college or UIC, but I would be missing out on the free-tuition benefit that UIC and UIUC offer only to Citizen/Permanent Resident first-year applicants which would make UIC cost 5-6K for the next 4 years instead.

Sorry - I still don’t understand. You “would not longer be considered a freshman first year”? I think you are saying that if your immigration status changes after freshman year you can’t subsequently get the benefit of free tuition during your remaining years. Do I have that right? And what is the 5k-6k? Is that annual tuition in the good scenario, or the bad?

Sorry for the confusion - let my clarify.
Attending classes at UIC or any college would no longer make me a first year student to any college; I would be a transfer.

UIC and UIUC have the Illinois promise program that gives low income families free tuition for FIRST YEAR APPLICANTS only. The scholarship goes for four years, but you can only qualify if you attend starting freshman year.

This would, if I get my greencard and take a gap year, allow me to take advantage of the scholarship and pay $5-6k a year.

Just wanted to stop in and say I’m watching this thread and keeping everything crossed for you!! Keep the faith.

Got it; makes sense. Good luck tomorrow, and we’ll all do our best to help you brainstorm once you have the complete picture.

HKim, I’m rooting for you. And while I have not reread everything, I see you think your UW GPA is a bit low and ECs are not as flashy. That makes me question your application list. My own child is full pay, has a perfect GPA, some excellent ECs, leadership, started and still runs a children’s cancer fundraiser, is top 2% of the class, and probably won’t get into a single Ivy (currently a junior). It was my impression that there are more “perfect” applicants than there are spots at these top schools. I have not been on CC enough to know what a good application list for you looks like, but I do wish you all the luck in the world.

@chb088 Thanks. Unfortunately it is really low but I have had a very significant uowards trend which I hope at least can offset my low GPA (in addition to my class rigor and ACT score).

My only “flashy” EC is the medical publication in Cureus and the Northwestern internship. Other than that, a lot of what I did was hospital volunteering, tutoring, working, and cultural leadership; all things I really enjoy doing, but I guess not as flashy - which is fine to me and not like I can do anything else haha.

The only thing I wish I could’ve done were a lot more service projects, SciOly, Math Team, and other musical trips, except they cost a lot of money for us.

Good luck to your daughter and thank you to all the full pay families that give people like me a chance.

@HKimPOSSIBLE Good luck. You will do amazing. Keep the faith!

@HKimPOSSIBLE I hope tomorrow you’ll have excellent news.

I think the aquarium stuff that you do is really cool. That would jump out to me in an application.

Well I would consider being published in a medical journal flashy. And your other ECs are very good. But my point still stands…there are more “perfect” applicants than there are seats at the top schools. An upward trend might earn you a spot at say, #40-80 or so. At least that’s what I’ve gleaned since joining CC.

^the issue is that OP, being DACA and EFC0, cannot apply to universities ranked #40-80 unless they happen to offer full ride scholarships that are open to DACA recipients.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow, @HKimPOSSIBLE

^ but also needed to apply to schools he had a shot at getting in to.

Crossing my fingers for tomorrow. I hope there is a spot for you somewhere.

@chb088: he did apply and did get in, and can’t afford them. The only universities that meet need for EF0/DACA students are the very generous, highly selective ones. :frowning:

He only applied to two. I really hope for his sake that I am wrong, but I don’t know of kids that get into Top 20 schools that aren’t top 1-2% in their class, with near perfect GPAs. I wish him luck.