Reject Train Going Full Speed

^He could have applied to more, it wouldn’t have made an ounce of difference. Full ride scholarships are rare, they’re even rarer for DACA students.
Yes, his odds are low. Next year they’ll be infinitely better thanks to his Green Card.

@MYOS1634 Thank goodness you are here on CC for students and families who need your wisdom, vast knowledge, patience and grace.

This thread is getting a bit side tracked by stopping to re-explain. Please trust that OP knows his limits/hurdles and is quickly assessing options.

“He could have applied to more, it wouldn’t have made an ounce of difference.”

I don’t see how we can know that. When I advise students in this position, I don’t tell them, “Don’t bother applying this year, you won’t get in anywhere you can afford,” and that’s what you’re saying to those who may be reading this thread in the future. The number of $0-EFC internationals who get full rides to less selective U.S. colleges is much greater than zero.

Thank you @hanna

I hope you have success placing some of the unwitting kids caught up by their now infamous parent’s who got way to deep into the admissions arms race.

They deserve a second chance like many received in life. I know you get that fact better than most. Me too. Keep up the good work!

@Hanna I had one and to protect their privacy I will not mention the college. I worked with DACA students so I was incredibly happy when it worked out for my student who was not from the state where the college was located. This is how it worked out, student received the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship and a great merit scholarship from the college, but student still had a $10K gap. Fortunately Costco provides a merit scholarship for DACA students who attend college in the Northwest through the university my student attended. University added that scholarship to my student’s awards in response to my student applying for financial aid. which meant student had full need met at a private, less selective university. I had never heard about the Costco scholarship but was incredibly thankful for it since I really wanted my student to attend the particular college.

Student did great at the college and recently graduated with honors.

I know the situation you described is typical, but every so often an international student gets lucky.

Good luck to the poster.

Then OP needs these ideas and support. He’s one kid trying to navigate, as best he can.

There’s a line in the musical Hamilton, in a song performed by Hamilton and Lafayette:

We get the job done!

HKim, you have the passion and drive of generations of immigrants who built this country. It has not been easy for ANY of them, but they all persevered to succeed–and, yes, more than most, they’ve gotten the job done when others couldn’t. You’ve demonstrated that you know the importance of going to college and how important a goal it is for you. Most people your age–me included, over 30 years ago–are sleepwalking through their teenage years letting things happen to them, instead of creating their own narrative. You are special. No matter what happens, just keep telling yourself that, and that it isn’t the end of the game. You will succeed. It may take longer to get where you want to be, but you wouldn’t bet alone in that. And once you reach that goal, you’ll realize that it is just another barrier to overcome. Persevere. You will make it.

The same song continues (sung by Hamilton):

I am not throwing away my shot!
I am not throwing away my shot!
Yo, I’m just like my country,
I’m young, scrappy, and hungry,
And I am not throwing away my shot!

You, too, are young, scrappy, and hungry. Don’t give up.

I wanted to second @MYOS1634 comment about the complexity of this particular applicant’s case…he’s not a regular applicant from either an international or domestic candidate and the advice that would work well for international candidates…or would work well for domestic candidates…isn’t going to work well for this particular situation.

Also, he has a good plan in place should 2019 not work out for him and he has a growing cadre of CC participants with good insights and practical advice for this situation when it will be changing in 2020.

@HKimPOSSIBLE like another poster said, you’ve got this.

Thanks for everyone’s support. Crazy but this morning I had one dream about getting accepted to Harvard and Yale (LOL). I got so happy until I woke up - 5:30. I fell asleep again. Got accepted to Princeton - was so happy until I woke up again (Ugh). I was seriously thinking that, because I woke up before, Princeton was the real deal.

What College does to you :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re a fun writer. Someday, use that talent!!

If no word then you all know what happened bc I’ll be in my bed like a dead body :^)
T-3 Hours

@HKimPOSSIBLE I was just thinking about you. :slight_smile: How many schools will you find out about tonight at 7 ET? (more than 5 or 6?) The human psyche is not built for this…

@HKimPOSSIBLE , Hey, just want you to know many of us are rooting for you!!! I hope some great news is coming your way!!! :smiley:

No, come here and let us know.

A number of the adults on this thread have good experience with admissions or have truly thought deeply about how it works. We’ve been in conversation with CC kids for a while. You may have some aspects that make you not the strongest candidate, but you’re a bright light. It just comes through. It’s how you think and process, how you respond, your self awareness and the traces of humor.

If things don’t work this evening, it’s not you. It’s just that the convergence didn’t happen. Not yet. I rarely say this, but it would be the colleges’ loss. You have what it takes. You’re just in such a weird position. Don’t give up. You’re a good kid.

@HKimPOSSIBLE Yes, please do come here let us know your results. There’s quite a large group following your story and we’ll be here (refreshing this thread) either way - to celebrate or support. Rooting for you!

Alright okay; won’t be fair for you guys wondering. Fingers crossed it’s good news!

I will be hearing back from 9 schools at 7 PM EST.

Fingers crossed. It only takes one.
And if that doesn’t pan out, we’ll be here to help.

Wow, 9 schools. Fingers crossed for you.

In the past, this site has gone down on Ivy decision evening.I expect it will again tonight unless major tech steps have been taken to keep it up.

Best wishes. Just following your thread tells me that with your talents and perseverance, you will find “your place”, whether this year or next, and you will make the most of it.