Reject Train Going Full Speed

Just got rejected by Duke.

Probably not a good fit though, based on what you said.
Breathe, and remember that it’s not over no matter what.

Rejected to all.

I’m truly disgusted.

Just relax, stay calm. Next year will be awesome.
I send you a big hug.

I want to cry for you. Please know something good will come out of this even if it’s impossible to imagine at this point.

All? Every one of them?
This does not change who you are and will be.

so sorry to hear. Hang in there. God has better plans for you.

So sorry. This is so hard. I know you’re going to be okay in the long run, but nothing anybody says is going to make today any easier. Just know that we’re all feeling for you.

Sending cyber support your way! I’m so sorry!

I believe good things are in store for you. Keep the faith and keep following the excellent suggestions you are getting. You have Team CC on your side.

@lookingforward Yes. All of them. This is the dirtiest feeling I’ve had in my life. Feels like I wasted 4 years of my life working and disappointed everyone who vouched for me.

You have not wasted your life. All the things you’ve done and who you are are still there.

It will get better.

No. You grew.

You don’t realize it but you have a higher level of support from other posters here than I think I’ve seen before. Experienced folks. You deserve that and you earned it. This is a rotten bump in the road. You won’t let it stop you.

Mourn, get mad, and in time, come up with a plan.

=/ might as well just withdraw Stanford.

Very sorry. Next year you will be able to apply to better matches. You will be an asset to a school somewhere.

So you are still waiting on Stanford, @HKimPOSSIBLE ? (post #314)

Honestly, the only work you’ve done that could possibly be considered wasted would be on the applications themselves, and even that really isn’t, as your apps will be better next time because of what you’ve learned.

This stinks. No way around it. But anyone who is disappointed in you or thinks less of you because of this is either foolish or a jerk. (Or both.) You are a terrific person and candidate, who was trying to work around a huge impediment through no fault of your own. I predict that you will knock next year’s application cycle out of the park. You will be a fully aid-eligible domestic applicant. From what you’ve said about your improving trend, your GPA should even go up, thanks to the inclusion of your senior grades and AP’s. You’ll have even more experiences and accomplishments under your belt. Plus, you now have so many people who want to help you choose the best targets and make your apps the best they can be, you’re going to have to beat us off with a stick.

Mourn this disappointment, absolutely, but hold your head high. You have NOTHING to be ashamed of, and the people who have faith in you - both here and IRL - are going to stick with you and see you succeed.

@HKimPOSSIBLE I am so sorry for you… I was following this thread from the beginning. I just wished if you did this through Questbridge things might have been different but don’t loose hopes. I can say this is the loss of the schools just wait, you will find a great place…Best Wishes!!

Remember that you did nothing wrong. You’ll want to second-guess yourself, but don’t. What you did was good.
It’s their loss, really. But it’s not over. For now, give yourself space, time to mourn. Don’t feel that you have to go to school tomorrow as it may rub salt into the wounds - go to the movies (or watch something at home with a friend or with your father).
Next year will be different.
(Well, don’t withdraw from Stanford of course! Just don’t expect anything from it and start thinking of your gap year.)