Reject Train Going Full Speed

@HKimPOSSIBLE, I’m so sorry. This stinks. Take some time to mourn. You did nothing wrong.

You have the weight of so many CC posters behind you. When you are ready, come back and ask for help. We will help you. This community knows you will land well, and you need to believe it too. This is a blip that will just be an interesting chapter in your life. Hugs to you tonight.

@HKimPOSSIBLE I know how you feel! I was rejected from five schools tonight- Columbia, Princeton, UPenn, Vandy, and NYU. I had a tiny bit of hope that something would turn out from them, but it didn’t work out. Columbia was my dream school-I was recruited by an admissions officer and I had several interviewers. Yes, it’s painful. Yes, it feels like a stab in the back. What matters is that you get back up. Give yourself time to recoup and reflect. We will both move on from this, I promise.

HKimPossible, I was waitlisted at MIT too. That’s your ticket to MIT, trust me. You just have to be patient.
This is my advice. You will most likely not get in from the wait list. Go to any school that you can afford, state or even community college (Schools like MIT are big on accepting transfers from good community colleges) and get all As your first semester and beef up your extra curriculars. Then apply for transfer. I can guarantee you’d get in. When MIT wait lists you, they are telling you in their own way, we want you next year. Transfer app is v v simple. You would need great recommendations so make sure you cultivate a close relationship with at least two of your professors. Do things like grading, tutoring etc. Student govt,

@MITcourse62guy , I don’t think you actually took the time to read through this thread before commenting. None of your advice really applies to this particular situation. And nobody can “guarantee” anything when it comes to MIT admissions. Welcome to CC, though.

@HKimPOSSIBLE a few things:

  1. You should plan to feel really terrible this weekend about these decisions. I’m not you and even I feel terrible.
  2. actually, heartbroken.

After the weekend:
3. Don’t give up. You still have two very (very) longshots in play: MIT waitlist and Stanford. On the MIT waitlist page, this is the very last line on that page: “If you’re still interested in MIT, stay in contact with us. Drop us a note of not more than a page to by the end of April. In the meantime, be patient. There won’t be any wait list news until early May.” @HKimPOSSIBLE I will help you write this note if you want any editing.
4. Start thinking creatively about what you are going to do starting in June. 12 months from now, you are going to be one of the most successful candidates at college confidential. I truly believe that. I realize that money is a HUGE issue but perhaps we (the collective CC hive) could help you brainstorm.

Sometimes cheesy emojis help. Here’s one ?

@SouthernHope Thanks. I already sent a LOCI the day after I was waitlisted at MIT.
Case Western sent me a waitlist form at 3 in the morning (a formal electronic form) with three options:

  1. Keep me on the waitlist: Case is my top choice
  2. Keep me on the waitlist: just interested still
  3. Remove me from thy waitlist

Of course, I chose #1. I’m sending a lot of emails to Case at the moment to thank them and constantly let them know I’m going to attend and that it’s my top and #1 choice. Sorry, but Carleton seems to not have anything for me; never liked Minnesota anyways.

Stanford comes out today - #God’sPlan
Honestly though, not expecting much.

You will hear a collective cheer from several thousand of your CC fans. Way to keep the faith!!

Everyone pulling for you!

That’s the spirit!

If nothing works out, read this inspirational post from a few years back:

Not th same situation, but it’s very interesting to read what this student did with his year off.

@HKimPOSSIBLE it must be infuriating to read these other posts from such entitled kids. I know it is so hard at your age but you must remember that you and your work have not been rejected or deemed inferior. This is a result of status, not achievement. College acceptance is not a meritocratic exercise as you are finding out. Once your status is better sorted, you will find a place thrilled to have you.

@ruthstoops - I’m not sure what “entitled” kids you’re talking about, but I see tons of amazing kids posting here that worked their butts off.

^Fingers-Crossed, best wishes, and hugs that you have great news on the horizon!

@tpike12 there are a few ? just wander through the lastest posts and you’ll find them.

You had mentioned previously God’s plan. It might not make sense now but there is a plan. Please keep the faith while it takes time to reveal itself.

Stanford has rolled in with a rejection too.

We’re all mourning and don’t know what to say. You will come out of this stronger. Hang in there.

I’ve been following and cheering for you from the beginning. You will do great things. We believe in you despite these setbacks.

Hugs to you.
What brings you comfort?

Hi HKimPossible,
I understand your situation, and what you may be going through. But before, I give my grain of salt, were you an international applicant? If you don’t mind, can you give me a general idea of your STATs, EC, and essays?

@Puzzeled101 , you can review this thread and OP’s posting history if you want a general idea. It’s all there already.