Reject Train Going Full Speed

Thank you aquapt

We all feel for HKim, hoping for better outcomes. But if OP had followed CC long enough or searched on it he should have read plenty of threads like this:

And he should have realized he was probably going to be in the toughest cohort, that of US Asian male applicants. If he has to have full ride then the options are further narrowed to a handful of ultra-selective ones. Sorry, this may sound harsh—though his stats and ECs were good they were not competitive in that cohort at those schools. I suspect DACA was not a hook at any of the schools—meaning that there was not a bucket just for DACA recipients.

The results are actually kind of expected, just like the previous threads. State flags like UIUC are fine schools, but in OP’s case affordability is an issue. Hopefully, OP’s status can be resolved quickly over the summer and affordability can be sorted out.

Probably not the the most helpful post at this time, @jzducol.

I’m so sorry, @HKimPOSSIBLE. I hope you will read the thread posted earlier about another high-achieving kid who was basically shut out and took a gap year. I think there is a lot of inspiration there. As I said earlier, come back when you are ready. You have a bright future ahead of you and we are all here to help you on your way.

It would be awesome if this could be a rejection-splaining free zone. OP has already demonstrated plenty of insight into his situation. There is no need to beat a dead horse.

As stated earlier. But to clarify. DACA is not a hook. It’s an ANTI-hook It moves you from being first gen, low ses and in state for Illinois. Where H lives.

He was considered in the most statistically and demographically daunting cohort. Full pay international. Full cost at all schools except for the most selective in the nation and the most intense competition for the fewest seats among schools with the lowest odds - even domestically.

He has MIT test stats and a high but not perfect uw gpa. Published research at northwestern and a dozen other elite ecs.

And a funny and talented writer. I’ve seen some of his work.

The best chance is for a CWRU offer from WL. Or getting a green card soon and uiuc in spring. MIT Wl too but we all know those odds and financial aid reality.

We will be working with H on his gap year or semester and planning. He will be a USA based candidate and instate next year. And this will all turn around. We have a bet on it.

I know this is probably not allowed on this board, which is 100% fine, but I think many of us would also like to help @HKimPOSSIBLE past encouraging words. I still have some hope a waitlist might happen. That said, I believe 12 months from now I really believe H will be sharing great news about what he is doing, where he is, and where he might be off to next.

FYI, My kid got a rejection letter from Stanford today, and here I was much more concerned to check CC in hopes H got a space. H, hate to admit this, but I might have been rooting for you more than my son. All the best… oodles of us here alone on some anonymous board are rallying behind you wishing you great success and hoping you will share your story with us!

H has been essentially adopted by CC.

Whether you like it or not H. Too late. LOL!

@privatebanker, I think lots of us would consider adopting HKim into our IRL homes, but not sure his Dad or him would be keen on that.

Definitely not. lol.

Would you consider creating a GoFundMe page to cover UIUC tuition?

HKim cannot. If he attends uiuc as a freshman oos status, although as in state student as a sophomore with green card he will not be entitled to the Illinois free tuition he qualifies for but this award requires you to enter as freshman only. Years 2-4 will be unaffordable.

^^ Yep, I had also gone through this thought process and come to the conclusion privatebanker explains.

However, if H were to crowdfund a gap year opportunity like an EMT certification program, count me in for sure.

I believe Hkim does meet the requirements for instate tuition at UIC and UIUC, but that is still not affordable

Illinois has a few programs for low income students:

DACA students are specifically excluded from the Illinois Commitment Program, which covers tuition and fees for families earning $61K or less…note that it does not cover room and board, so either way wouldn’t help Hkim.

The Illinois Promise covers all costs for low income residents, but I do not think DACA students qualify for this either, but don’t see DACA specifically addressed in the verbiage. It does require FAFSA which obviously hkim can’t fill out online, but certain schools allow DACA students to fill out paper FAFSA to qualify for programs/aid
@hkimpossible Do you know anything about this? It could be worth a call on Monday, or talk to your GC

I pm’d you! Also, my GC did call both UIC and UIUC regarding this. The only thing I can get is in state tuition through an affidavit.

@HKimPOSSIBLE. Make that happen then. There are lawyers that do work gratis and you might find one in some religious/cultural affiliation that you might have.

@Knowsstuff Hm?
An affidavit is just a single page form I sign and email to UIC/UIUC stating that I am pursuing a permanent residency and have graduated a US High school in Illinois.

@knowsstuff Yes, the affidavit is straightforward for hkim to file. The issue is hkim’s efc is zero, so in-state COA at UIC and UIUC is still unaffordable

Yea… I didn’t think this through before making a comment. Wonder if there is any association to get him money. I have heard of either people or associations paying for tuition but you pay them back through future wages guaranteed. Does anyone know anything like this?

Anyone have V. C. connections?

“Full cost at all schools except for the most selective in the nation”

This isn’t true. If a less selective school wants to give a full ride to an international student based on merit, it can. This does happen, especially at LACs and smaller universities, and other students in the OP’s position should pursue it.