Rejected from Baruch and all other CUNY colleges?

I don’t understand? I have 3.89 GPA, and I even took classes at Lehman to meet the requirements, and Baruch and all other 3 colleges rejected me?

They said they were going to send acceptances mid-March, but I just received this message today? But I called up the automated system and I went on my Cuny portal, and it says it’s still under review.
Could this be a huge mistake?
All my other friends got the same emails also.
Please let me know if anyone else got this.

Yea, I got this too and when I go to CUNY portal directly it says under review.
What other colleges did you apply to?

Hello, so I got a message back from the CUNY Admissions Director, and Baruch College’s Senior Admissions Director -

I’m just going to copy and paste what I wrote on another post.

I e-mailed like 5 people and one got back to me. His name is David Keller from Baruch College, and he told me it was because I messed up on my application on my part, but they fixed it. Basically, I took a STATs course (Math) at Lehman College, but I thought I didn’t have to put it down because I was non-matriculated, so I just sent them my Lehman College transcript instead. I only put down the current college I was attending, not Lehman. So they rejected me because they didn’t check the Lehman Transcript to check the math I completed.

He changed everything in the CUNY system, and they will be putting me in the second batch of acceptances.

As for my friend who got the same message, she never took a math, but we asked if she can get accepted based on her Regents scores, and they said yes, they can determine entry based on that. Sadly, she didn’t do so well, so they still rejected her.

So please check you met all the requirements - it’s a C and above in Math & English to be considered a transfer.

I got my issue resolved. I hope you do too."

Also, I applied to Baruch, Lehman, City College of Tech and Queens College

Can I get the e-mail addresses and the post of what you wrote?

I sent an message to and

Can I get the e-mail addresses that you used, so I can try to get a faster reply/solution?

Yes! Sorry for the late reply,

The two emails I used was and

Clare Norton is the Director of CUNY Admissions
and David Keller is the Senior Admissions Counselor of Baruch College.

I wish you the best of luck, tell me how it goes if you can.

David replied back to me within an hour from 8:00 AM, Clare Norton replied back to me around 3 PM.

Any updates with the admission? I have a situation where I got rejected because I received F grades awhile back and even though I took these courses over Baruch is still counting the F’s. My current GPA is 3.6 but under Baruchs calculations are 2.5… I was planning to appeal in hopes of Baruch reconsidering.