Rejection Letter

<p>Hey does anyone know where I can read the rejection letter for Columbia. I found the acceptance letter but I can't seem to find the rejection letter. One person told me they read it on a different thread, but I can't find that thread. Can someone help me.</p>

<p>Dear kwu,</p>

<p>The Committee on Admissions has carefully reviewed your application to Columbia University, and we are sorry to inform you we cannot offer you a place in Columbia’s Class of 2012. This year, over 22,000 candidates applied for places in the first-year class, making this the most difficult selection process in our history. The many strengths of the entire applicant pool – as demonstrated by scholastic successes achieved, by community service performed, by activities pursued, by essays written and by books read – made the selection process more competitive than simple numbers could possibly indicate. Indeed, while we are gratified by the number of candidates seeking the excitement and challenge of the Columbia experience, the size of the pool sadly compels us to disappoint a great many talented and appealing young people.</p>

<p>We want you to know that our decision in no way reflects a lack of confidence in your ability to achieve success in your college plans and on through life. Our experience is that the vast majority of students who do not gain admission here go on to distinguish themselves at fine colleges and universities throughout the world, and we are confident that you will do so as well. We must make clear, however, that since our decisions are made after many hours of intense deliberation, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions cannot consider any review of your decision.</p>

<p>We appreciate your interest in Columbia and wish you the best in your pursuit of higher education.</p>


Jessica Marinaccio
Dean of Undergraduate Admissions</p>

<p>“by books read”?</p>

<p>I didn’t know that was an important admissions criterium</p>

<p>Yeah and by that letter I’d also assume most everyone does community service…</p>

<p>As oxymoronic as it may sound, that’s a great rejection letter!</p>

<p>umm, i dont think they’re saying that everyone does community service, or that books read was a huge factor in admissions, they’re just pointing those out as examples of what distinguished last years applicants. At least that’s the impression i got.</p>

<p>^exactly, it’s Columbia’s way of saying we got a diverse group of distinguished applicants.</p>