Release of May 7 SAT subject test scores delayed?

I thought subject test scores were supposed to be out within 19 days after testing. My sons score are not online. Anyone else get theirs? I called CB and they said subj scores are not going o be released until mid June because of new SAT. That’s stupid because the subj tests didn’t change. My son was considering retaking one he took in May on the June date since he will be there anyway for the world history exam. But we were hoping to see if that’s necessary or not based on his score.

Frustrated. :frowning:

I agree that it doesn’t make any sense, but that’s what happens when you’re dealing with a monopoly. I’m sure they have your son’s score already.

I called CB today and was told the same thing. The way they treat these kids is outrageous. My son is trying to decide which exams to sit this weekend as well.