
<p>Arjun, yo u need to calm down dude theres no way they'd randomly take away everybody's decisions unless they were reading these forums and knew what and intense partier u were</p>

<p>Arjun this will put your mind to ease, i think like dartmouth, i know for sure, they removed the decisions from the website like ten days later, so im guessing cornell removed the decision page also. probably for security reasons</p>

<p>wait.... its still up for me.... mb cuz i didnt check it like 50 times like u guys</p>

<p>lol that cracked me up...Arjun you remind me of some kid in my class except he's Korean. He freaks out about every thing. Don't get offended man, they're just busting your chops (playing around with you). ;-) I'm 100% sure your decision didn't get revoked. LOL but how funny would that</p>

<p>I was speaking Spanglish, my favorite language.</p>

<p>more like SpanKlish...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA</p>

<p>haha, if only that were my name in real life, you might have something there</p>

<p>Whoa kids chill out</p>

<p>Ha! :D Muy funny!!</p>

<p>I wasn't being mean this time goddamnit!</p>

<p>How's that hangover Spanks? :p</p>

<p>Nonexistent :cool:</p>

<p>canadaeh : How's that hangover Spanks? </p>

<p>Spanks : Nonexistent </p>

<p>I really didn't get the joke...its either my unawareness of teenage lingo or an alien concept to Undian society...</p>

<p>u guys at Cornell better get ready for a pretty tough time copin with me</p>

<p>oops!!! Indian i mean...not Undian</p>

<p>its most likely gonna be the other way around</p>

<p>haha I like undian </p>

<p>hangover is when your head hurts the morning after a night of heavy drinking</p>

<p>nonexistent as in I don't have one.</p>

<p>ahhh! (10 characters)</p>

<p>u know what...Lingo needn't be here's some lingo we use in our School:</p>

<p>Q: confused (eg; Ur Q as in ur Confused)</p>

<p>TEASE!!!: meant to be said when someone just bragged about an achievment</p>

<p>Hate to be pedantic, but hangover and nonexistent do not qualify as lingo. Lingo refers to specialized langauage particular to 1 field or used in specific localised parlance. As thoroughly integrated words in the English language.</p>

<p>and if we're on the subject of bragging abt one's achievement's, (ahem) </p>

<p>the 'lingo' I use would entail a response of 'Fishing' ie one is fishing for compliments/praise</p>

<p>When people brag I just ignore them and watch their egos deflate, boo hoo. My lingo for the act of bragging is something along the lines of "being an obnoxious prick" or "engaging in douchebaggery".</p>