Report cards in yet guys?

<p>93-100 A
85-92 B
75-84 C
70-74 D
Below 70 F</p>

<li>Service Learning (hah); 98</li>
<li>Anatomy & Physiology; 94</li>
<li>AP Prob & Stats; 96</li>
<li>Physics; 92 (ouch)</li>

<p>This semester I have pre-engineering/CAD, psychology, AP Lit, and Music Appreciation.</p>

<p>AP Biology - B
AP Calculus AB - A
AP Chemistry - A
AP Lang and Comp - B
AP US History - B
French 4 Honors - A
Gym - B (haha I was unprepared three times or something)</p>

<p>unprepared 3 times in gym at my school = highest possible grade of 60 (F) with all 100s on quizzes
2 times is 75 if all quizzes are 100s
once is 90 if all quizzes are 100s. </p>

<p>its pretty gay but you'd have failed gym at my school theo, so you're pretty lucky.</p>

<p>OK finally received them today:</p>

<p>English- 93
Medical Diagnosis- 94
Government- 94
Calculus BC- 85 (blah)
AP Spanish Lit- 94
Photograph- 95</p>

<p>Overall Average: 92.5. Down from last years...</p>

Analysis Honors-A
Music Theory AP-A
United States History-A
AP Bio-A
English Masters H-B+ (OMFG. I was at a A-/B+ situation where if the teacher likes u he gives u the A-...***h!)

<p>AP US History: A-
Latin IV Honors: A+
Physics Honors: A+
English 11 Honors: A
Algebra III/ Differential Calculus Honors: A+
AP Computer Science: A+
Choir: A+</p>

<p>w000t my gpa rose to a 4.4/4.3 weighted now :)</p>