<p>The balls are hosted by the area parents clubs; if you are a member of the parents' clubs, you should be invited. Hosting the ball rotates between the various clubs and, it seems based on postings of others, that it is in a select city for the area.</p>
<p>Gulf Coast of Texas parents in Houston. North Texas in Dallas. South Texas in San Antonio. Smaller areas or states may combine up with others.</p>
<p>Re: Confused? Not to re-ignite the debate, [and risk being bumped] but this is the pm I received and the response I sent. As you can see from the subject line, its not really worth hearing from him/her again. Just further evidence that arguing complex subjects on a thread like this is really a hopeless exercise. Best keep this thing light and frothy . . . yes, other threads have been pulled in the past.</p>
<p>i suggest you shove it
well i see that thread was wiped out, but it may please you to hear i got several pm's from people who said i had an excellent argument, but shouldn't argue with bigots like you. And I assure you the only place you deserve to be more than me is a prison, preferrably the one in guantanomo. If you know anything you knew Hobbes was very pessimistic, but I like to think humans have reason and more of an intelligence than the brute with the soveriegn nation. Try looking at many Scandanavian countries, many have no military. Even their police don't carry guns. They're doing fine, is that simple enough for you to understand.</p>
<p>Re: i suggest you shove it
Its almost not worth replying . . .but, as with most psuedo-intellectuals, you simply get your facts wrong.</p>
<p>The members of the Swedish Air Force, the Norwegian & Danish Armies, & the Finish Defence forces would probably take exception to your assertion that many Scandinavian countries have no armies. Iceland doesn't really have an Army but I am not sure if one country qualifies as "many." In your world, I would guess that it does.</p>
<p>As with many young people, you don't even confirm your basic assertions; that is why the others on the thread jumped on your case. You were simply wrong on many of your facts. That's not to say that you were wrong in some of your conclusions, you were just wrong on your facts.</p>
<p>Pitifully, you resort to the last bastion of those that have no argument: name calling. You will have to learn to do better.</p>
<p>Since I don't know you and don't care to know you, how you deal with this is of no concern to me. I did not jump in earlier on the main thread because it was not worth my time. You won't listen to anybody anyway.</p>