Reporting AMC10/AIME scores--Forgot, what should I do?

<p>I qualified for the AIME using my AMC 10 scores in 10th grade. I never qualified for the AIME again, with AMC 12. I forgot what I got for AMC 10 that year, and I probably got a 0 for AIME.</p>

<p>What should I fill in? I could look up the minimum qualifying score for AIME that year, and put that in. But I'm unsure if that's ethically wrong.</p>

<p>Or does it not matter, since I suck big-time at olympiad maths anyway :(</p>

<p>just put what you got. MIT may which is extremely rare, cross check AMC scores. Just to be on the safe side, put whatever you got. Your other parts of the application will show what you have accomplished so far, not solely the AMC or AIME.</p>

<p>HAPPY NEW YEAR to all CCERS</p>

<p>I don’t remember what I got for AMC 10.</p>

<p>Then put the qualifying score. But I think you should PM mollie about this.
She generally reads all MIT threads anyways.</p>

<p>She would know about this for sure.</p>

<p>I personally do not think it would matter significantly due to the following reasons:</p>

<li>It’s not particularly recent.</li>
<li>It’s not outstanding or very uncommon to qualify as a big plus (many people qualify for the AIME, and it was just a singular incidence)</li>
<li>I still think the box on the MIT app exists to identify particular strong applicants who demonstrated their ability through the AMC competitions (USAMO qualifiers, high-scoring AIME/AMC students). Thus, I think an AIME-qualifying score in itself would not matter too much in the long run of things.</li>

<p>Just my two cents.</p>

<p>Oh snap. Lol. I was rather expecting that reply, Chris. I love Math, but I didn’t shine in HS because everyone else started Olympiad-style Math in elementary school and I started, pretty much, in middle school.</p>

<p>Well, thanks for your reply. It just reaffirms my depression that I phail at Olympiad Maths. Boohoo :(</p>

<p>I qualified for the AIME freshman year and forgot my score (and forgot to E-mail my teacher and ask until too late), so I just put a “?” in the box. My mom understood what that meant immediately, which is a good sign.</p>

<p>^lol your mom</p>

<p>“Oh snap. Lol. I was rather expecting that reply, Chris. I love Math, but I didn’t shine in HS because everyone else started Olympiad-style Math in elementary school and I started, pretty much, in middle school.”</p>

<p>Lol, that’s not really an MIT quality excuse… I started Olympiad style math the 3 weeks before AIME :D</p>

<p>I started Olympiad style math months after my first AIME :stuck_out_tongue: Looking to qualify for USAMO this year, though.</p>