Request for Advice

Hello. I was recently invited as a student to the AP Annual Conference because I had gained a perfect score on the AP Macro exam. Unfortunately, the date coincides with the BOLD oncology program at Rutgers (5 days) that I was recently accepted into. I have no clue what to do and must give a response to the College Board by May 2nd.

I am honestly thrilled to go to either of these places. Is there any preference a college may show? Does going to the Conference help me in any way or is it just promotional material? I am aware of the oncology program’s benefits in terms of experience and such but have no clue about the implications of the Conference.

Thank you for any assistance!

I’m gonna say it’s just promotional, but I certainly don’t see it as having an impact on your college application in any way. Congrats on your perfect score BTW. Politely thank the CB for their offer, but say you have a previous commitment.

Thank you for the congratulations!

I can definitely see how it’s promotional but can you provide your reasoning as to why it wouldn’t particularly help?
Either way I feel uncomfortable about not doing either, although the BOLD program seems to be a place to actually display my passion in a topic.

Can you spend time at both? I am not familiar with either program

There is sooooo much that goes into a college application. I don’t think being invited to a 5 day conference is going to move the needle one way or the other. YMMV.

Attend the program that piques your interest more. If you feel the BOLD program would better reflect your interests and you have to choose one, I’d go with that.