Required Supplement Essay (well, one of the four...)

<p>I had a brief but important question on the essays, particularly with the quotations: How specific to Princeton do they have to be? I was planning to write about how helping kids in math club, science club, etc. helped me define my own intellectual vitality and what that entails. I think it's a good topic, but I didn't know whether I should use the conclusion to tie it directly to Princeton in a very definite (specific programs, etc.), or whether it can be somewhat more broad than that. I'm planning to use it for at least one other college, so that's one consideration.</p>

<p>I know we can do whatever we want with it, I was just wondering whether there is an unwritten preference...</p>

<p>65 views, no responses. :(</p>

<p>^ seconded. I’m interested in the same thing. I was going to do topic 1 and just use another essay I already have.</p>

<p>the essays are really open-ended - you can make it specific, but it doesn’t need to be. Definitely don’t stress too much about this.</p>

<p>Okay. I won’t make it too specific then, because I don’t want to force it…</p>

<p>oh yeah, I wouldn’t know what to write for the quotation one about Princeton in the nation’s service so I’m just doing the other one</p>

<p>wait, where does it say it has to be specific to princeton at all? am i missing something?</p>


<p>It doesn’t. That’s what I was wondering – whether we should.</p>

<p>For all my essays I didn’t really even mention princeton. Exept the Princeton Engineering Supplement</p>

<p>i don’t think we have to, and i’m not gonna</p>