requirements for cornell

<p>anyone know what the requirements are in order to be accepted in cornell as an architecture major?
mainly the SAT scores, what kind of SAT II's to take, if we need a portfolio, etc.
recommendations would be great too (:
thanks a bunch</p>

<p>get at least above a 2000 for the SAT. they're not that important for arch admissions. I believe you have to take two SAT II's but you should check on their architecture website. Get at least a 650 on all your SAT II's </p>

<p>talent, dedication, and academic ability are the three most important things they look for. Show your passion in the interview and work hard on your portfolio. Attending a summer arch program is a plus, because many of those who got in were in one. Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks that helped alot (:</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted this year as an ED candidate. I believe she got in because she had a complete package. Fantastic grades, high test scores (they only require one SATII in math she took the IIC) lots of ECs, and a phenomenal portfolio. The portfolio is very important. Put the time and effort into it!! They want to see original works of art so skip the computer. She also showed strong interest in the field. If you have more questions feel free to ask. Btw, she did not go to the summer program at Cornell.</p>

<p>fedmom, can you give any advice on the type of artwork that is good for the portfolio, as well as approximately how many there should be? If you don't attend summer arch programs, how do you show interest and dedication for the field?</p>

<p>there is no specific type of artwork that is good for the portfolio. you can put in whatever creative in there. a good portfolio is one which demonstrates the person's ability to think creatively and have good ideas. you can show interest and dedication in the field in many ways..such as working for a firm, or attending an architecture program, etc.</p>

<p>It's important to read the requirements for the portfolio for each school that you are planning on applying to. Some are very specific and want to see certain types of drawing. For example, Rhode Island School of Design required a hand drawing of a bicycle. Cornell asked for 15-20 pieces of original art work. The important thing is to show your best work. If you visit the school, they will show you samples of admitted students portfolios, which can be very helpful. You can show interest as Sashimi told you above by doing an internship or working for a firm.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>candilicious....if you are serious about wanting to become a professional architect, change your screenname. You don't want that name to follow you into architecture school--or worse--inot the admissions room when your app is being considered or triple worse--onto your constrctuion sites where the population is 99.5% aggressive male.</p>

<p>cheers-i highly doubt admission officers go on collegeconfidential to check out applicants. at least at my school (cornell), most of the arch admission officers are architecture professors and I know they spend most of the time doing something else. also, four of my studio mates used collegeconfidential before they were admitted. two of them were girls</p>

<p>Adcom officers aare definitely perusing CC. it is a great marketing research tool.</p>

<p>Nevermind the profs or adcom, Candilicious is not an appropriate screenname to use with your professional peers. I'm sure she didn't think of the professional ramifications but-- it's only a single data point of advice. She can ignore it.</p>

<p>Choosing to post personal details is a grey area. I wouldn't post anything you don't want to be seen by future clients.</p>

<p>thanks for the advice everyone (:</p>