Rescinding acceptances at Ivy leagues?

Hi! Just wondering what it would take for an Ivy League or other elite school to rescind an acceptance based on 2nd semester senior grades. If anyone has any stories please let me know!

Are you asking if you should be worried about a possible offer being rescinded? Or are you just asking out of curiosity.

Either way, there’s still a couple weeks left to worry about being accepted in the first place.

@usualhopeful I’ve already received likelies, and am curious for my own situation. My grades right now aren’t bad, but I am just stressing out a little.

I read here on CC last year that an elite school asked a student to write an essay to explain his senioritis. He never posted the outcome.

@filbierto I wouldn’t worry and just keep working steadily. I was a bit concerned because some kids seem to plan for the lowest grades possible while still avoiding a rescinded offer.

If you have straight A’s and get a B or two, no problem. If you get C’s and D’s, there will be problems.

The general thought process is that you would need to get D’s or F’s or commit a felony to be rescinded. Remember, if they accepted you, they want you. Having said that, there have been cases where students have received a warning letter after a grade slipped to a C and were required to write back with an explanation as to why.