Rescinding question

<p>I realize that most of you probably won't know the answer to this but hopefully one random viewer may</p>

<p>Here's my situation-</p>

<p>I was given permission by the university i was accepted into to drop one of my courses (ap european history) so I would not make myself sick and would have more time to study for more science related courses and get the best grades i possibly could</p>

<p>Well, so far I have raised my calculus grade from a B- to a solid A, my physics grade from a B- to an A-, and have maintained an A in marketing, english, and latin. </p>

<p>The problem I am having right now is in chemistry. First quarter I received a C average, I fear this quarter I will have the same C or a C-. I study a ton for it and the teacher acknowledges that I am really trying the best I can.</p>

<p>I have NO INTENTION of dropping this class, I LOVE learning all the new concepts and information that I am learning in chemistry (ap chem 2 and lab), but I am a bit fearful of my grade.</p>

<p>I intend to keep studying (possibly dedicate more time to the subject somehow) and hopefully get a B third quarter and fourth, but is a drop from a C to a C- worthy of being rescinded from a university (given my increasing grades in my other courses)? The university is fairly competitive, they accept 39% of applicants and it is primarily an engineering school.</p>

<p>Any comments (or just nice messages to make me feel better :) ) will be appreciated!!</p>

<p>Probably not.
You could call the college to see I guess.</p>

<p>wow with that load of courses i’m not surprised you wanted to drop AP euro. good luck with your process.</p>

<p>I had a B in the AP Euro… I’m not a grade mongerer or anything, it was a fairly simple class if you read the book, I just hated the dull reading and I would only be getting 5 hours of sleep a night. </p>

<p>thanks for your replies</p>

<p>I would think that if your university already “gave you permission” to drop a class, they would be candid enough if you just ask them what grades they need from you.</p>

<p>My guidance counselor told me that they expect me to raise my grades, but there really is not much I can do this quarter seeing as I just got this break half way through the quarter. My other grades have risen a lot due to recent tests (i’m on a hundreds streak in calculus quizes/tests)… but we don’t get too many graded assignments in chemistry other than labs (which I have a B average in), homework (which I have an A+ average in), and every now and then tests (which I have a … D- in). </p>

<p>I really am anxious for the next quarter to begin, I am going to put more effort forth into it, I just need to find a way</p>

<p>Call and ask.</p>

<p>As for your grade, I would highly suggest for you to raise your lab grade, as labs you can collaborate and ask other people what they put down, etc. Try to get a study buddy or get a tutor for your tests?</p>

<p>A C will not rescind your admissions. Not even a D would do it.</p>