Rescore Essay?

<p>On my june SAT, I got a 780 WRiting, with a 11 Essay. If I had a 12, I'd have an 800. SHould I get my essay rescored? I was sure my essay completely owned.</p>

<p>Can you even get your essay rescored? I wouldn't think so. The only point of rescoring is the possibility of a computer mistake. Besides, 780 is great. And an 11 means that someone thought your essay was as great as you thought it was, and someone else didn't. There is a bit of opinion in grading essays, so that's why there are two graders. The grader who gave you a 5 did not make a mistake. He or she simply didn't think it was 6 material. Get over it. 11 is awesome.</p>

<p>^ I agree. :) (10 char)</p>

<p>I don't think the curve on the June test allows for that. I'm fairly sure if your essay grade got bumped to a 12, you'd get a 790 on writing.</p>

<p>How many MC did you miss?</p>

<p>Anyways, when they rescore your essay, what they really mean is they check to make sure that the readers did indeed give you a composite score of 11. They don't actually read your essay again, they just make sure that the score on your report is actually the score the graders gave you. Check the collegeboard site if you want more details.</p>