<p>I am applying to a research/volunteer position, and need to send in a resume. What do I include?</p>
<p>Should I include . . .
- volunteering not related to the topic
- research not related to the topic
- school clubs
- sports
- school grades, awards, etc . . .
- non-school-related awards</p>
<p>I am a high school student, sophomore. I haven't take the SAT I yet, but do have a SAT II Biology 740. This is a medical research topic. I have my freshman GPA, but not current. No published papers, one earlier project. </p>
<p>If the award is unrelated but still somewhat impressive, should I include it?</p>
<p>HS or college student? I seem to recall W4I, you’re HS student. Right? So what matters? </p>
<p>**Make it one page and visually appealing (not too dense) unless you want to include a bibliography of published papers.</p>
<p>**Related courses, all awards, clubs (shows passion, but include it only if a related topic)
Include SAT I & II and gpa. Yes research…that goes towards the top. For that, include detailed description of purpose and finding…</p>
<p>**no sports. no unrelated clubs or volunteering unless you can find some tie-in</p>
<p>If you’re at a college, and worked with a professor, you might want to elaborate that research.</p>
<p>What headings should I have?</p>
High School
SAT II Biology Score</p>
<p>Research Experience</p>
<p>Volunteer Work</p>
<p>Academic Awards"</p>
<p>Also, under “computer programs you are familiar with”, should I include, Word, PowerPoint, etc . .</p>
<p>My school has an unusual GPA scale. Should I convert it to a more traditional one, or just include what it is out of?</p>
<p>How do you indicate an ongoing activity?
2008 - </p>
<p>Current? Ongoing?</p>
<p>The posts under “ncm2012” are also by the OP “waitingforivy”</p>
<p>Both volunteer and paid work are important. Summarize your responsibilities for all on your resume. Make sure you check and double check for grammatical errors. Print on cotton fiber resume paper unless you are emailing it. If you are emailing it I would convert it to a pdf file prior to sending it.</p>
<p>Thank you for the advice! Any more?</p>
<p>Since it’s so hard coming up with something like this, I’ve created a tiny sample. There are much better ones on the web. I agree that it should be no more than one page unless you are extremely accomplished, that it should look attractive from 6 feet away, and that proofreading is more than critical. DON’T use colors. DON’T use more than two font families (and one is preferable). And good luck!</p>
<pre><code> WaitingForIvy
123 Main St, Anytown, CO - 303-555-1212
<p>Education and Awards
expected graduation date
relevant classes - biology (SAT II 740), chemistry, accounting
GPA (converted to 4-point scale): 3.15 (unless it’s crummy, and then leave it off)
Relevant awards
Irrelevant but impressive awards
President of Health Habits club
don’t include captain of football team</p>
<p>Research Experience (or maybe combine this with the following section)
2008 - How many licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?</p>
2008 - Present Volunteering at Meals On Wheels
do this, that, and the other
2007 - 2009 Working at PetPotty
do this, that, and the other</p>
<p>Instead of trying to convert and write my complicated GPA, I included the “Principal’s Award Honor Roll”. Is that OK? </p>
<p>I can’t really explain my school’s GPA system, and don’t feel comfortable converting it to a 4.0 scale.</p>