Research/ECs for CS applicant

Hi! I’m interested in doing CS in the future and I recently attended a camp that taught me the basics of machine learning. I ended up really enjoying it and I was able to complete a small ml research project that involved detecting the presence of a disease. I plan on doing more of these smaller projects with different datasets mainly for practice and because I find it interesting. I was wondering if doing this could be considered an EC or something I can list on college apps. I plan on putting my code for these projects on github. I also want to maybe try doing a bigger research project that I can enter into science fairs/competitions. I would love any advice for how to choose a good machine learning project and complete it without a mentor.

This is a kind of a completely unrelated question, but I was also wondering if it would be a good idea to accept a job offer to teach middle schoolers CS during the school year. I really enjoy teaching, but I’m not sure if it would better to do it as a job or maybe start my own nonprofit or volunteer instead.

Thank you so much for the advice!

I would love ANY advice!!