Research essay

<p>The Duke research essay,</p>

If you have participated in any significant research activity outside of school, please provide a brief description and limit your response to one or
two paragraphs.


<p>... does that mean that I should give a description of the research ITSELF or how the research has affected me (i.e. Stanford's intellectual vitality-type essay)? Or both...? Lol I'm a little confused; if anyone could help me clarify, that'd be great! Thanks!</p>

<p>I’m providing an abstract, as well as a paragraph about how my research fits into my interests(thanks to harvard).</p>

<p>wait, holland1945 (neutral milk hotel haha) did you just submit your abstract with your 2 paragraph thing on the supplement?</p>

<p>cause I mailed in my abstract with like a short thing putting it into context.</p>

<p>luckily, I haven’t done anything yet…</p>

<p>hmm I thought that’s what the supplemental essay was for. </p>

<p>can I just send them my whole research paper separately? There is a TOC in case they just want to look at the abstract or whatever else.</p>

<p>so the brief description is an abstract-type thing?</p>

<p>yeah so there’s that form for supplemental stuff on their website but idk i guess it was kind of redundant to do both but my paper was long so I wasn’t going to attach it to my app…</p>

<p>ha I still have no idea what to do…</p>

<p>Is the supplemental essay supposed to be instead of sending in the actual paper/abstract? Or do you do both?</p>

<p>include them both in your supplemental essay. provide a one paragraph abstract or background on the research you did then write another paragraph about how the research has affected you.</p>

<p>would it smart that way, I think you want to express all your interests so you dont spend everything on one project</p>