Research Ideas

<p>For those of you who have done research for a competition, like ISEF, Siemens, JSHS, or a state program: How did you conjure an idea to research? I've heard many students say they were assigned something from their school's research program, and that the program helped them come up with an idea, but my school has nothing of the sort. I'm on my own to come up with a project.</p>

<p>The next advice is to do something I'm interested in. But I don't know what that is. I like Computer Science, but I have no experience in programming so that's probably not realistic. I also like Meteorology, but projects for that are very few. I might be interested in something medical, but I won't do anything medical in college so there are better choices out there.</p>

<p>There must be some way that everyone comes up with such stellar projects. I live an hour's drive from a research university, but there are a few factories and organizations around where I might be able to enlist some help.</p>

<p>Any advice or suggestions?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>