<p>I'm interested in psychology and would love to do psychological research over the summer. I see everyones "Chance me" threads and it seems that everyone does some type of research. Any insight as to how to get a research opportunity like this if I have ZERO connections?</p>
<p>Email professors at local universities. I emailed a bunch, and one took me. :D</p>
<p>The only thing is, some might not do stuff over the summer. Hmm...</p>
<p>A lot of people seem to look at these chancing threads and see research. They subsequently go out and try to find an opportunity. As good as their intentions are, the vast majority of high schoolers cannot do actual "research" in a way that would be publishable at all. The way I see research--finding something new, requires more knowledge and skill than is taught in high school or Freshman/Sophomore undergrad. </p>
<p>Good luck though, I know I couldn't do decent research. (That probably won't stop me from applying for the Davidson Fellow thing in literature though. LOL)</p>
<p>^ You could be a code monkey. Or run gels.</p>
<p>That’s what most undergrads do.</p>
<p>what about history? I would like to do some history research during the summer as an personal aide or apprentice to a professor, do you think this would be possible? Or am I too young?</p>
<p>^Oh, that sounds interesting. I love history. I second that question?</p>