<p>what are potential ideas in neuroscience? I was going to do this initially, but decided against it</p>
<p>Also, for anyone doing environmental science-what are subfields of this, or is env science a subfield of something else</p>
<p>And, I guess I was thinking about the most important aspects of our application, so I came up with a short list-what do you guys think</p>
<li><p>EC activities-includes past research and competitions and all the awards that go along with it
I also think essays is number one, and goes along with it, since you talk about EC in your essays</p></li>
<li><p>Teacher Recs</p></li>
<li><p>Test scores</p></li>
<p>^ Well, I don’t think APHG would apply, seeing as it is not a science AP. I think you just attach your score sheet to the application. And don’t feel bad, I have only one AP as well (Env. Sci). </p>
I guess you could write about Analytical Chemistry (how much of a pollutant is in the air/sea/forest) or other green/globalwarmingiskillingearth/alternative fuel subjects. There’s a whole bunch of chemistry in environmental sciences. </p>
<p>How long are everyone’s subfield essays? Mine are around 3/4 page each…</p>
I’ve only written one subfield essay, and it’s about a half a page. I’m having trouble deciding how in depth to go, and how much background info I need. I’m too used to writing for people who have absolutely no understanding of what I’m talking about.</p>
<p>yea, mine are like half a page each- i
i mean they dont want you to write a science paper-just see that you are competent in science and research and that you can formulate a couple pertinent questions</p>
<p>wait so for AP tests-do you have to photocopy a score report?</p>
<p>also is the email <a href="mailto:maitee@cee.org">maitee@cee.org</a>, i sent an email like 4 days ago and didnt receive anything</p>
<p>Both subfield writings took me about a page. By the way, I don’t know about what you guys are thinking, but the whole category-subfield thing is iffy. The hierarchy of where each field is kind of off. Each field has so many subfields that it just keeps going- where do we stop it and say this is the category and this is the subfield? In that aspect I wasn’t really sure what to do about energy. energy is never a field per say- you cant major in it. So people generally do EE or Mech E then do energy research. But I wasn’t sure so I just put Energy- Alternative. Too hard to decide where to call the category =/</p>
<p>So, with the fields and subfields, I’m a little lost/confused. I’m pretty sure this is a trivial matter, but I just don’t want to do anything stupid or wrong haha. </p>
<p>Like both of my field choices are biology, and one of the subfields is neuroscience and the other is oncology. Except, I’m not sure if I should leave it to general neuroscience or should I say cognitive/behavioral/systematic/etc. neuroscience? Should I be more specific? And the same thing with oncology although I don’t think I can really specify more than that. </p>
<p>^ i think be as specific as you can. but with the example they gave (which is vague), i’d say your field and subfield is ok. but we don’t want to get too specialized b/c of the mentor pairing. </p>
<p>long range goals… </p>
<p>as in… research goals?? <_< or what job i see myself in 10 years? or in general, as in a motto you live by? lolol… sigh.</p>
<p>thanks potentenum. I wasn’t sure how specific because I wanted to seem that I’m also interested in a lot of things, not just one area. </p>
<p>Yeah, I think long range goals, they’re trying to get you to talk about research goals. At least, that’s the way I interpreted it since the whole summer program is research oriented. It’s pretty vague though, but I would guess focusing on research…</p>
<p>also, my essay to #7 is as boring as it can get. “I used this, this this and this”. omg. i hope this part of the essay isnt included in the essays of “ESSAYS ARE OF CHIEF IMPORTANCE” statement for RSI apps. lol.</p>
<p>and #7 is apparently just for deciding pairings. </p>
<p>LONG TERM GOALS? <____<</p>
<p>OH YEA, and for “course level”, its for the course you are taking this year right? Not all that you’ve taken (then why is there a date completed?)</p>